Esitleti Erasmus+ projekti KNOWMAN tulemusi
Erasmus+ projekti KNOWMAN partneritena oli meil hiljuti hea võimalus tutvustada projekti tulemusi 7. juunil Itaalias Materas toimunud seminaril. Töötoas tutvustasid prof. Susanne Durst ja Samuel Foli ärikorralduse instituudist projekti tulemusi, mis hõlmasid interaktiivset juhendit ja aruannet.
Samuti tutvustasid nad kohalviibinud teadlastele ja praktikutele e-õppe koolitusmoodulit nimega "Knowledge Pills". Saadud tagasisidet kavatsevad nad edaspidi rakendada.
Rohkem infot projekti kohta .
As partners of the Erasmus+ project KNOWMAN, we recently had a great opportunity to showcase our project's achievements at a workshop in Matera, Italy on June 7th. At the workshop, prof. Susanne Durst and Samuel Foli from our department presented the results of the project, which included an interactive guide and a report.
They also introduced an e-learning training module called "Knowledge Pills" to the researchers and practitioners in attendance. They received valuable feedback from them, and plan to incorporate it when moving forward.
If you want to find out more about the project, please see