Tervislik teisipäev / Healthy Tuesday
Tervislik teisipäev / Healthy Tuesday
Pikk talv hakkab lõppema, niisamuti eelmisest suvest kogutud energia- ja vitamiinivarud. Et lihtsustada meie soovitusliku igapäevase 5 portsjoni puu- ja köögiviljade tarbimist piloteerime Tervislik Teisipäeva ideed, kus nädala teisel päeval leiab köögist valiku värvilisi terviseampse. Aitäh Eliisile algatuse eest!
The long winter is coming to an end, and so are the energy and vitamin stores built up from the previous summer. To make it easier to consume our recommended daily intake of 5 portions of fruit and vegetables, we're piloting the idea of a Healthy Tuesday, where on the second day of the week, you'll find a selection of colourful health snacks in the kitchen. Thank you, Eliis for the initiative!