Projektide juhendid
Projektide juhendid
- Projektikirjutamine
- Juhend projektide haldamise eeskirja juurde
- Juhend H2020 töötasu arvestamise kohta
- H2020 projektide eetika enesehindamise juhend / H2020 ethics self-assessment guidance
- ETAg PUT eetikajuhend
- H2020 info
- ETAg PUT andmehaldusplaani näidisvorm
- Project Description
- Related Policies
- What data will you collect or create?
- How will the data be collected or created?
- What documentation and metadata will accompany the data?
- How will you manage any ethical issues?
- How will you manage copyright and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) issues?
- How will the data be stored and backed up during the research?
- How will you manage access and security?
- Which data are of long-term value and should be retained, shared, and/or preserved?
- What is the long-term preservation plan for the dataset?
- How will you share the data?
- Are any restrictions on data sharing required?
- Who will be responsible for data management?
- What resources will you require to deliver your plan?
- Meetmepõhised materjalid
- Volikirjad
- Horizont 2021 andmehaldusplaani näidisvorm
- Taotluste ja projekti lepingute andmete esitamise ja haldamise juhend MS Lists rakenduses
- Üldinfo
- 1. Rakenduse peamised funktsionaalsused
- 2. Taotluse sisestaja tegevused
- 3. Struktuuriüksuse juhi tegevused
- 4. Meetmenõustaja tegevused taotlusega
- 5. Teadusosakonna registreerija tegevused taotlusega
- 6. Taotluse sisestaja tegevused rahastusotsuse saamisel
- 7. Meetmenõustaja tegevused rahastusotsuse märkimise järel
- 8. Teadusosakonna registreerija tegevused projekti lepinguga
- Taotluse ja projekti andmete muutmine ja taotluse/projekti seisundid Listis
- Tegevusala koodide selgitused
- Töövood Deltas
- Guide to submission and management of the application and project contract data in the MS Lists app
- General information
- 1. The key functionalities of the app
- 2. Actions of the person entering the application
- 3. Actions of the head of the structural unit
- 4. Actions of the grant advisor with regard to an application
- 5. Actions of the registrar of the Research Administration Office with regard to an application
- 6. Actions of the person entering the application upon receipt of the funding decision
- 7. Actions of the grant advisor after indicating the funding decision
- 8. Actions of the registrar of the Research Administration Office with regard to a project contract
- Making changes in application and project data and application/project statuses in Lists
- Explanations of the codes of fields of activity
- Workflows in Delta