Lecture main page

Lecture main page


The main tasks that the lecturer can perform in SIS main page:

After logging into the Study Information System opens a view of the lecturer with references to activities related to teaching. 

There are five tabs on top of the main page:


  • By default, the "Messages" (1) tab is open. There are messages from ÕIS and ÕIS administrators (2), messages from ÕIS users or automatic notifications (3). 

List of courses during current semester

  • The list of teaching courses for the current semester is presented. If the courses are not visible, you must contact the assistant manager of the institute.

  1. List of courses during current semester. Click on the link. Opened pop-up window with lecturer's syllabus information. 

2. Declarations. At the beginning of the semester, the lecturer should accept the declarations. By clicking on the link, the "Acceptance of declaration" page opens, where you can search and accept declarations.

3. Entering of grades. At the end of the semester, grades must be entered for students. By clicking on the link "Entering of grades", the "EXAMINATIONS/ASSESSMENTS" page opens, where you can add exams and enter grades.

4. Materials. It is possible to add additional material to your courses. By clicking on the "Materials" link, the "STUDY MATERIALS/HOMEPAGE" view opens, where you can add study material and other information about the course.

5. Adding/editing the extended syllabus. A place to add new assessment criteria or rules for passing a subject. Clicking on the link "Adding/editing the extended syllabus" opens a page where information can be added.

My timetable

  • On the home page, in the main menu, there is a tab called "My Tymetable". The lesson plan related to the lecturer is displayed here, along with subjects and rooms:

Thesis defences

  • The tab "Thesis defences" shows all the thesis defences registered in the ÕIS system.

Examination dates

  • The "EXAM TIMES" tab (1) shows the exam times for the whole university. If necessary, you can search for your own times using the appropriate search parameter (2). If no entries are found, you can go directly to add new exam or assessment times with the link (3).

Consulting times

  • The last tab "Consulting times" (1) shows consultation times for the whole university. If necessary, you can search for your own times using the appropriate search parameter (2). If no entries are found, you can go directly to add new consultation times with the link (3).