Acceptance of declarations and declarations search
Acceptance of declarations and declarations search
With this form it is possible to accept declarations. By default, all declarations are considered as accepted. The lecturer may not accept a declaration until the acceptance deadline of declarations.
Acceptance of declarations
Please go to menu: Studies (1) → DECLARATIONS (2).
- In the open search view, the lecturer can select the data by which to search for declarations. Mandatory fields are:
- Semester. The faculty member selects the semester for which to display declarations for acceptance. Declarations can only be accepted or rejected before the allowed deadline. You can only watch later. By default, the current semester is selected.
- Course title. You can search by the required course. If the necessary course is missing from the list, please contact the assistant of the program manager of your institute.
- When the selections are made, the result is automatically displayed.
- If it is necessary to narrow the search, the lecturer can select "Student's faculty" and only the declarations of students from the selected faculty will be displayed.
- When all selections have been made, a list of students will be displayed. The list of acceptance of declarations also shows students who have added the subject to their study plan but have not submitted the study plan yet.
To accept a declaration, click in “Yes” checkbox. After clicking it, it turns green.
Non-acceptance of declarations
- If the declaration is not accepted, press the "No" check box (turns red when pressed) and choose the reason for non-acceptance from the list or enter a justification. If necessary, enter a comment in the comments field and send a message to the student by pressing the envelope icon.
- If needed enter the commentary in the notes field and send a message to student by clicking and envelope icon.
If the reason for non-acceptance is not selected or the reason is not entered in the field, then system will not save the non-acceptance of the declaration.
- To save changes click on the button “Save”.
Declaration search:
Please go to menu: Studies (1) → DECLARATIONS (2).
Click on tab “DECLARATIONS SEARCH” (3).
- Opened the page with search view, where the lecturer can change the search results. By default, the list of students who have declared the current semester and whose study plan has been submitted is displayed.
- If needed add a search option by clicking on the plus icon, select the type of the search field, enter the value in the field and click on the button “Search”.
- If you need to narrow the search, add a search parameter by pressing the button with a plus sign "", then select the appropriate parameter and enter its value and press the "Search" button.
- By pressing the button with a minus sign "", the added search parameter is deleted.
- By pressing the "Search" button, the list of students will be displayed according to the entered search parameters.