Adding/editing extended syllabus data of a lecturer
Adding/editing extended syllabus data of a lecturer
Where can I add/edit the extended syllabus data of a lecturer?
Adding/changing information in the teacher's syllabus would be done before the beginning of the semester, so that the student can understand the rules of passing the subject before starting the studies.
Adding information on the teacher's extended syllabus
- Please log into the Study Information System as a lecturer. After logging opens a main page of the lecturer with references to activities related to teaching. If the courses are missing, please contact the assistant manager of your institute.
- Under "My courses" find the course you wish to update. Click on the link "Adding/editing the extended syllabus".
- In the open view, scroll down the page and find the section "Lecturer's syllabus information".
- It is possible to add a new extended syllabus or link for each semester. At the moment and at the beginning of the semester, the fields are empty because no new ones have been added and the old materials are valid.
- Since the teaching is conducted in two languages: English and Estonian, 2 evaluation criteria fields are displayed.
- Please, be attentive and put the criteria of the corresponding language in the correct box.
- Information can be added both as text and as a file.
- For example: Add a link to the Moodle and leave a comment:
- For example: add a file with evaluation criteria or other information:
- Add a comment, if necessary, but it is not mandatory. Click on the link "Add as file", select a file on your computer and add.
- Scroll down the page and press the green "Save" button. The data is saved and added to the course.
Changing the information of the teacher's extended syllabus
- Please log into the Study Information System as a lecturer. After logging opens a main page of the lecturer with references to activities related to teaching. If the courses are missing, please contact the assistant manager of your institute.
- Under "My courses" find the course you wish to update. Click on the link "Adding/editing the extended syllabus".
- In the open view, scroll down the page and find the section "Lecturer's syllabus information". Since new materials have been added this semester, opening the information page of the teacher's syllabus shows the entered data. This data can be changed and deleted.
- To add a new text, the old one is deleted. Click in the cell and delete as usual.
- To delete a file, click on the "" sign next to the file and add a new one by clicking on the "Add as file" link.
- To add another or more files, repeatedly use the "Add as file" link.
- Scroll down the page and press the green "Save" button. The data is saved and added to the course.
Viewing the teacher's extended curriculum information
If the information has been added/changed, the result can be seen in the following places:
Add/Edit page
- Please log into the Study Information System as a lecturer. After logging opens a main page of the lecturer with references to activities related to teaching. If the courses are missing, please contact the assistant manager of your institute.
- Under "My courses" find the course you wish to update. Click on the link "Adding/editing the extended syllabus".
- In the open view, scroll down the page and find the section "Lecturer's syllabus information". Since new materials have been added this semester, opening the information page of the teacher's syllabus shows the entered data. This data can be changed and deleted.
- You can view the history of files added from previous semesters by clicking on the "Display more" link on the same page:
- Сlicking on the "Display more" link brings up a list of previously added files:
Course page
Please go to menu: Studies (1) → COURSES (2).
In opened view click on tab “Detailed search” (3).
- Enter the required course code in the search and find the course. (4). In the displayed result, click on the file icon (5):
- By scrolling to the end of the page in the opened window, the entered data and files can be found:
- Estonian view:
- By scrolling to the end of the page in the opened window, the entered data and files can be found:
- English view: