Choosing a minor speciality
Choosing a minor speciality
Minor speciality means a module that allows acquisition of additional knowledge and skills for commencing work in the minor speciality and for continuing studies in the next study cycle. The minimum workload of a minor speciality is 45 ECTS credits and a minor speciality is always part of a certain study programme. Information on minor specialities is available in the study information system ÕIS, at the relevant study programme, which includes the minor speciality module.
Where can I choose/remove a minor speciality?
Go to menu: My study information > STUDENT PERFORMANCE RECORDS.
Adding/removing a minor speciality
- Click on “Add” in the minor specialty box.
The system displays a search box.
- Start typing the name of the minor specialty. The system displays a list matching the keyword.
- Select the correct minor specialty from drop-down menu and click on symbol to confirm the choice.
Click on symbol to quit selecting a minor specialty.