Registering for interim assessments

Registering for interim assessments


Interim assessments are tests/homeworks taken before the final assessment of the course. It can be stipulated in the extended syllabus that passing interim assessments is a prerequisite for being allowed to take the examination in that course.

Where can I register for interim assessments?

  1. Go to menu: My study information > REGISTRATION > Interim assessments.

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  1. The system displays a list of interim assessments that are opened for registering by the lecturer.
  2. Click on symbol to view additional information about the interim assessment. The pop-up window is displays:

    • Type of interim assessment.

    • Title of interim assessment.

    • Grading scale.

    • Information whether registration is mandatory.

    • Additional comments.

  3. Click on “Register“ to sign up for interim assessment (the system asks for confirmation).

    • Registration has been successful if the link now reads “Cancel“.

  4. Click on “Cancel“ to cancel sign up for interim assessment (the system asks for confirmation).

    1. Cancellation of the registration has been successful if the link now reads “Register“.

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