



status of a partner or a contact person, as opposed to Deleted or Deactivated

0. Partners



the first date for date filters when filtering /searching low-value procurements based on a date, such as the time limit for the submission of tenders

8. Sorting and filtering


Signed on

the date the contract was signed

6. Performance/completion of contract



Asi, asjad

Supply, supplies

a broad category of what you wish to purchase which refers to physical (i.e., corporeal) objects, as opposed to services

1. Create a new low-value procurement

CPV kood

CPV code

the category of the supply/service assigned to a low-value procurement when creating it

1. Create a new low-value procurement

You can look at CPV codes (in all EU languages) in this file (please download pilt-20250218-082320.png it, as the preview of the XLSX file is distorted and unhelpful).



status of a contact person of a partner, as opposed to Active

0. Partners



the button to move forward (e.g., when creating or changing a low-value procurement)

Eeldatav maksumus KMta

Estimated value without VAT

the estimated cost of the supply/service

1. Create a new low-value procurement

The thresholds for purchases that can be carried out in VOK are the following: Supplies and services up to 29,999.99€; Works up to 59,999.99€; Social services up to 299,999.99€; Specific services up to 59,999.99€. For purchases exceeding these limits, you have to submit https://taltech.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/22/group/57/create/252 and a public procurement has to be conducted in the Public Procurement Register

Eeldatav maksumus pakkujale nähtav

Estimated value visible to the tenderers

whether the tenderers see the estimated cost or not (based on whether you have checked the box when creating a new low-value procurement); shown in the overview ('Üldandmed') of the low-value procurement



the button to remove a contact person from a low-value procurement

Eemaldatud partnerid

Partners removed

shown in the log of changes, if a tenderer was removed (conditions were changed) from a low-value procurement during the stage of pending tenders ('Pakkumuste ootel')



building/construction works

1. Create a new low-value procurement

By a public works contract, the contracting authority or entity buys the works or the design and works mentioned in Annex II Directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council or in Annex I to Directive 2014/25/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council (PPA § 8 subsection 5 clause 1)



if the estimated value is not visible to the tenderers or no grant funds are used; shown in the overview ('Üldandmed') of the low-value procurement


Email address

the email address of a contact person of a partner

0. Partners


Specific service(s)

1. Create a new low-value procurement

the services mentioned in Annex XIV to Directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council (PPA § 126 subsection 1)

Religious services:


Hotel and restaurant services:

55100000-1 to 55410000-7; 55521000-8 to 55521200-0 [55521000-8 Catering services for private households, 55521100-9 Meals-on-wheels services, 55521200-0 Meal delivery service]

55520000-1 Catering services, 55522000-5 Catering services for transport enterprises, 55523000-2 Catering services for other enterprises or other institutions, 55524000-9 School catering services

55510000-8 Canteen services, 55511000-5 Canteen and other restricted-clientele cafeteria services, 55512000-2 Canteen management services, 55523100-3 School-meal services

Legal services, to the extent not excluded pursuant to point (d) of Article 10 of the Directive 2014/24/EU:

79100000-5 to 79140000-7; 75231100-5

Other administrative services and government services:

75100000-7 to 75120000-3; 75123000-4; 75125000-8 to75131000-3

Provision of services to the community:

75200000-8 to 75231000-4

Prison related services, public security and rescue services to the extent not excluded pursuant to point (h) of Article 10 of the Directive 2014/24/EU:

75231210-9 to75231230-5; 75240000-0 to75252000-7; 794300000-7; 98113100-9

Investigation and security services:

79700000-1 to 79721000-4 [Investigation and security services, Security services, Alarm-monitoring services, Guard services, Surveillance services, Tracing system services, Absconder-tracing services, Patrol services, Identification badge release services, Investigation services and Detective agency services] 79722000-1[Graphology services], 79723000-8 [Waste analysis services]

Postal services:

64000000-6 [Postal and telecommunications services], 64100000-7 [Post and courier services], 64110000-0 [Postal services], 64111000-7 [Postal services related to newspapers and periodicals], 64112000-4 [Postal services related to letters], 64113000-1 [Postal services related to parcels], 64114000-8 [Post office counter services], 64115000-5 [Mailbox rental], 64116000-2 [Post-restante services], 64122000-7 [Internal office mail and messenger services]

Miscellaneous services:

50116510-9 [Tyre-remoulding services], 71550000-8 [Blacksmith services]

International services:

98900000-2 [Services provided by extra-territorial organisations and bodies] and 98910000-5 [Services specific to international organisations and bodies]

Esitamise kuupäev

Date of submission

the date when a tender was submitted

4. Processing of tenders

5. Award a contract

6. Performance/completion of contract


In preparation

a low-value procurement which is in the process of being created and has not been sent out to the tenderers yet

1. Create a new low-value procurement

7. Save, delete, cancel

Ettevõte, ettevõtted

Economic operator(s)

It should be clarified that the notion of ‘economic operators’ should be interpreted in a broad manner so as to include any persons and/or entities which offer the execution of works, the supply of products or the provision of services on the market, irrespective of the legal form under which they have chosen to operate. Thus, firms, branches, subsidiaries, partnerships, cooperative societies, limited companies, universities, public or private, and other forms of entities than natural persons should all fall within the notion of economic operator, whether or not they are ‘legal persons’ in all circumstances. (Directive 2014/24/EU (14))

0. Partners

Ettevõtte nimi

Name of the economic operator

0. Partners

Faili suurus kuni 32MB

File size up to 32MB

the maximum file size of attachments

1. Create a new low-value procurement

2. Correspondence/communication with the tenderers

4. Processing of tenders

5. Award a contract

6. Performance/completion of the contract



Managers have access to the low-value procurement and will get email notifications about the low-value procurement. Adding managers is voluntary (you do not have to appoint managers). A manager could be someone from your unit, e.g. the head of the unit, a co-worker who is involved with the purchase, etc.

1. Create a new low-value procurement

Haldajad puuduvad

No managers

shown if no managers have been appointed to a low-value procurement

Hanke alguse kuupäev

The start date of the procurement

the date when the invitation for submission of tenders was sent

8. Sorting and filtering


Contracting authority

‘contracting authorities’ means the State, regional or local authorities, bodies governed by public law or associations formed by one or more such authorities or one or more such bodies governed by public law. (Directive 2014/24/EU Article 2 1 (1))

The university (TalTech) is the contracting authority referred to in VOK and this user guide.

Hankija loobus

The contracting authority withdraws

one of the options for cancelling a low-value procurement after selecting a winner (before awarding the contract); one of the explanations of the status Cancelled

5. Award a contract

8. Sorting and filtering


In evaluation

a low-value procurement for which the time limit for submission of tenders has expired and the tenders are being evaluated

Info toetuse kasutamise kohta

Information about using subsidy funds (grants)

Check this box if the purchase is partly or completely funded from either the EU or other funds

1. Create a new low-value procurement

Isiku nimi

Name of the contact person

the name of the contact person of a partner

0. Partners



if the estimated value is visible to the tenderers or grant funds are used; shown in the overview ('Üldandmed') of the low-value procurement



Kasutatakse toetusi

Subsidy/grant funds used

whether the purchase is partly or completely funded from either the EU or other funds; shown in the overview ('Üldandmed') of the low-value procurement



the button to confirm and proceed with an action

Kinnita pakkumuste mittevastavus

Confirm the unsuitability of the tenders

4. Processing of tenders, Unsuitable tenders


Mutual agreement

one of the possible outcomes of the contract; used if the contract is for some reason not performed and is terminated by a mutual agreement between the contracting authority and the tenderer; one of the explanations of the status Completed

Completion of the contract

8. Sorting and filtering



comments can be added when inserting the details of the awarded and/or completed contract, as well as to annexes

5. Award a contract

6. Performance/completion of the contract

Konkurentsi puudumise põhjendus

Justification for the lack of competition

the justification you added if you sent the invitation to submit a tender to less than three tenderers

1. Create a new low-value procurement

Konkursi tähtaeg on saabunud. Palun valige võitja!

The deadline for the competition has passed. Please select a winner!

4. Processing of tenders

Konkursi võitja on selgunud. Palun vormistage leping!

The winner of the competition is selected. Please finalise a contract!

5. Award a contract



the contact persons added to a partner

0. Partners



the button to delete a low-value procurement in preparation

7. Save, delete, cancel



status of a partner, as opposed to Active

0. Partners


In months

one of the options to indicate the estimated term of performance of the contract

1. Create a new low-value procurement



the meaning depends on the context; one of the options to indicate the estimated term of performance of the contract

1. Create a new low-value procurement

Kuupäevade vahemik

A span of dates (e.g. 10.02–15.02)

one of the options to indicate the estimated term of performance of the contract

1. Create a new low-value procurement



shows all of the low-value procurements regardless of status

8. Sorting and filtering

Kõik väikeostud

All low-value procurements

the page where all (everyone’s) low-value procurements are shown on. If you leave a form, for example, delete a low-value procurement or quit changing conditions, you will reach this page

Leia ... järgi

Find by …

8. Sorting and filtering

Leia konkurss

Find a competition

8. Sorting and filtering



According to TalTech’s Rules on Contracts, a contract shall always be concluded in writing if the value of the contract is 10,000 or more euros, net of value added tax. So if the value of the winning tender is 9,999.99 euros or less, it is sufficient to notify the tenderer and insert the details of the agreement. In this case the notification is considered awarding the contract.

5. Award a contract

6. Performace/completion of contract

Leping sõlmimisel

Pending a contract

a low-value procurement for which the winner has been selected, but the contract is to be awarded and/or the data of the contract are to be inserted

Leping täidetud

Contract completed

one of the explanations of the status Completed

8. Sorting and filtering

Leping täitmisel

Contract performance

a low-value procurement for which the contract has been awarded but it is not completed yet, e.g., we are waiting for the delivery of the supply or the provision of the service

Lepingu allkirjastamise kuupäev

The date of signing the contract

the date when the contract has received the last signature or if no separate contract has been signed (the sum is 9,999.99 or less) then relying on the conditions of the acceptance of the tender. The contract is considered signed by sending a notification about declaring the winner. I.e. if there is no separate contract, enter the date when the winner got the message that their tender was chosen as the date of signing.

5. Award a contract

6. Performance/completion of contract

Lepingu lisa(d)

Annex(es) to a contract

Annex can be added if an important condition of the contract changes. For instance, if the tenderer requests extension of the time of delivery. But you have to bear in mind that the extension has to be proportionate (e.g. three times longer is disproportionate). It is recommended to contact the Procurement Division when changing the contract.

Lepingu maksumus

Value of the contract

usually the cost of the winning tender; might be different from the estimated value

5. Award a contract

6. Performance/completion of contract

8. Sorting and filtering

Lepingu tulemus

Outcome of the contract

the basis on which we end/conclude the contract; could be completed, terminated by a mutual agreement or if contractual penalty was implented, it should be indicated

Completion of the contract

Lepingu täitmise tähtaeg / Lepingu täitmise kuupäev / Lepingu tähtaeg

Term of performance of the contract

the deadline by which time the supply has to be handed over or the service provided

1. Create a new low-value procurement

5. Award a contract

6. Performance/completion of contract

8. Sorting and filtering


Contractual penalty

one of the possible outcomes of the contract; only possible if it is stated (such a possibility is foreseen) in the contract entered into in writing or in the invitation to submit a tender; one of the explanations of the status Completed

Completion of the contract

8. Sorting and filtering

Lisa kontakt

Add a contact person

0. Partners

Lisa lepingu tulemus

Add the outcome of the contract

Completion of the contract

Lisa uus partner

Add a new partner

0. Partners

1. Create a new low-value procurement

Lisatud partnerid

Partners added

shown in the log of changes, if a tenderer was added (conditions were changed) to a low-value procurement during the stage of pending tenders ('Pakkumuste ootel')

Lohista fail(id) siia või laadi arvutist

Drag the file(s) here or download from the computer

when adding attachments

1. Create a new low-value procurement

2. Correspondence/communication with the tenderers

4. Processing of tenders

5. Award a contract

6. Performance/completion of the contract

Loo lepingu lisa

Create an annex to the contract

Annex can be added if an important condition of the contract changes. For instance, if the tenderer requests extension of the time of delivery. But you have to bear in mind that the extension has to be proportionate (e.g. three times longer is disproportionate). It is recommended to contact the Procurement Division when changing the contract.

6. Performance of the contract

Loo partner

Create the partner

0. Partners

Loo uus väikeost

Create a new low-value procurement

the button to start creating a new low-value procurement

1. Create a new low-value procurement

Loo väikeost

Create the low-value procurement

the button to create the low-value procurement you have started to created (entered the name)

1. Create a new low-value procurement



the button to quit (not go through with) an action

Loobu muudatustest

Quit making changes

the button to stop making and implementing changes

3. Change conditions



the employee who created the low-value procurement; might be different from the responsible employee; shown in the overview ('Üldandmed') of the low-value procurement

8. Sorting and filtering

Loomise aeg

Time of creation

the time when you started creating the low-value procurement; shown in the overview ('Üldandmed') of the low-value procurement



a low-value procurement for which the contract has been completed (e.g., the supply has been delivered and received) or ended by a mutual agreement



the last date for date filters when filtering / searching low-value procurements based on a date, such as the time limit for the submission of tenders

8. Sorting and filtering

Lühikokkuvõte muudatusest

Summary of the changes

when conditions are changed, a short description of the changes made must be added. Summary of the changes will be in the notification sent to the partners

3. Change conditions

Maksumus KMta

Value without VAT

the estimated cost of the supply/service inserted when creating a low-value procurement;

the cost of the tender submitted by a tenderer;

or the cost of the contract.

In procurements the value/cost is always calculated exclusive of value added tax!

1. Create a new low-value procurement

4. Processing of tenders

5. Award a contract

6. Performance/completion of contract

8. Sorting and filtering



you can add files (containing the technical specification or the English user guide for foreign tenderers) when creating a new low-value procurement (under ‘Nõuded’) or when sending messages to tenderers

1. Create a new low-value procurement

2. Correspondence/communication with the tenderers

4. Processing of tenders

5. Award a contract

6. Performance/completion of the contract

Minu väikeostud

My low-value procurements

the page where low-value procurements where you have been appointed the person responsible or a manager are shown on. This is the homepage of VOK and opens by default

Mittevastavad pakkumused

Unsuitable tenders

the button by which you can reject all submitted tenders, if none of the tenders meets our requirements or all tenders exceed the estimated value and the values submitted are not acceptable to us; one of the explanations of the status Cancelled

4. Processing of tenders, Unsuitable tenders

8. Sorting and filtering

a tender is considered not to be suitable where it is manifestly incapable, without substantial changes, of meeting the requirements set out in the procurement documents and the contracting authority’s or entity’s needs (PPA § 49 subsection 2)

Mittevastavate pakkumuste staatuse määramine

Assigning the status of unsuitable tenders

4. Processing of tenders, Unsuitable tenders



the button that allows to make changes or modifications or is used to confirm the changes/modifications made

0. Partners

4. Processing of tenders (expansion ‘You can modify the contact person if necessary’)

5. Award a contract (expansion ‘You can modify the contact person if necessary’)

6. Performance of contract (expansion ‘You can modify the contact person if necessary’)

Muuda pakkujaid

Modify the tenderers

the button that allows to modify/change the contact person

4. Processing of tenders (expansion ‘You can modify the contact person if necessary’)

5. Award a contract (expansion ‘You can modify the contact person if necessary’)

6. Performance of contract (expansion ‘You can modify the contact person if necessary’)

Muuda partnerit

Apply changes to the partner

the button that is used to confirm the modifications (e.g. adding a new contact person) made to a partner

0. Partners

1. Create a new low-value procurement

Muuda tingimusi

Change conditions

the button to use when you wish to make changes to the requirements of the low-value procurement

3. Change conditions

Muudatuste ajalugu

Log of changes

the log of changes made to a low-value procurement with a date and time of the change, who made the change and the desciption of what was changed

Muutmise kuupäev

Date modified

the date when a low-value procurement was last changed/modified

8. Sorting and filtering

Määra võitja

Declare a winner

4. Processing of tenders, Declaring a winner

Määra võitjaks

Declare the winner

4. Processing of tenders, Declaring a winner


Name (of the low-value procurement)

the name/title given when creating a low-value procurement

1. Create a new low-value procurement


Name (of the economic operator, of a person)

0. Partners


number, No.

an automatically created code for a low-value procurement when the invitation to submit a tender is being sent out, which consists of the letter V and the number of the low-value procurement; shown in the overview ('Üldandmed') of the low-value procurement

8. Sorting and filtering



section of creating a new low-value procurement where you insert the description of your requirements, the technical specification of the supply/service/works

1. Create a new low-value procurement

3. Change conditions

It is forbidden to refer to a specific make or source, or a particular process, or to trademarks, patents, types or a specific origin or production which would have the effect of favouring or eliminating certain products or economic operators. Such reference shall be permitted, on an exceptional basis, where a sufficiently precise and intelligible description of the subject matter of the contract is not possible and if it is accompanied by the words ‘or equivalent.’


In weeks

one of the options to indicate the estimated term of performance of the contract

1. Create a new low-value procurement

Nähtav pakkujale

Visible to the tenderers

You can choose whether the tenderers see the estimated cost or not. It is recommended to always make the value visible (in this case it is also easier to reject all tenders as exceeding the estimated value if necessary).

1. Create a new low-value procurement

Näita lehel

Show on page

you can change the number of low-value procurements or partners shown on a page; options are: 10, 25, 50 or 100. By default the number of rows shown is 10.

0. Partners

8. Sorting and filtering



see Pakkuja(d)/Tenderer(s) below

Otsi partner

Find a partner

the text box where you can either enter (a part of) the name of the company or click on the box and use the drop-down list that opens (and scroll until you find a suitable company)

1. Create a new low-value procurement

Otsi töötajat

Find an employee

the text box where you can enter (a part of) the name of the person

1. Create a new low-value procurement

Otsi üksust

Find a unit

the text box where you can either enter (a part of) the name of the structural unit or click on the box and use the drop-down list that opens (and scroll until you find the suitable unit)

1. Create a new low-value procurement

Otsustamise kuupäev

Date of the decision

date of the completion / performance of the contract

Completion of contract



an economic operator who has submitted a tender (PPA § 7 subsection 1) or in the context of VOK also who is, was or will be invited to submit a tender; a participant in the low-value procurement

1. Create a new low-value procurement

2. Correspondence/communication with the tenderers

3. Change conditions

4. Processing of tenders

5. Award a contract

6. Performance/completion of contract

The procurement initiator shall, in case of a low-value procurement as well, observe the principles set out in § 3 of the PPA, including achieve the objective of the procurement at a reasonable price by ensuring, in the event of competition, the best price-quality ratio by comparing at least three tenders. If less than three tenders are compared, the person responsible for the procurement must provide reasons for absence of competition.



an offer submitted by a tenderer in response to the invitation to tender and based on the requirements set out when creating a low-value procurement. A tender is binding for the tenderer from the moment the time limit for the submission of tenders has expired at least until expiry of the period of validity. A tender must meet the requirements and conditions we have set out. A tenderer must not submit a conditional tender.

4. Processing of tenders

5. Award a contract

6. Performance/completion of contract

A tender is the tenderer’s declaration of intent to award a public contract, which is binding on the tenderer from the closing date for submission of tenders at least until expiry of the minimum period of validity of the tender as specified in the procurement documents. A tender must be in conformity with the terms and conditions provided by the procurement documents. By submitting a tender, the tenderer declares acceptance of all of the terms and conditions set out in the procurement documents. Submission of a conditional tender is not permitted. (PPA § 110)


Invitation to submit a tender / Invitation to tender

the price inquiry or the request for quotations, our invitation for tenderers to submit an offer based on our requirements

1. Create a new low-value procurement

The procurement initiator shall, in case of a low-value procurement as well, observe the principles set out in § 3 of the PPA, including achieve the objective of the procurement at a reasonable price by ensuring, in the event of competition, the best price-quality ratio by comparing at least three tenders. If less than three tenders are compared, the person responsible for the procurement must provide reasons for absence of competition.

Pakkumuskutse saajaid

The number of receivers of the invitation to tender

the number that shows how many tenderers you invited to participate in your low-value procurement

8. Sorting and filtering

The procurement initiator shall, in case of a low-value procurement as well, observe the principles set out in § 3 of the PPA, including achieve the objective of the procurement at a reasonable price by ensuring, in the event of competition, the best price-quality ratio by comparing at least three tenders. If less than three tenders are compared, the person responsible for the procurement must provide reasons for absence of competition.

Pakkumuste arv

The number of tenders submitted

the number that shows how many tenderers submitted a tender

8. Sorting and filtering

Pakkumuste esitamise tähtaeg

Time limit for the submission of tenders

the deadline set when creating a low-value procurement after which no tenders can be submitted and since when it is possible to evaluate tenders

1. Create a new low-value procurement

8. Sorting and filtering

Pakkumuste jõusoleku aeg (päevades)

Period of validity of the tenders (in days)

the time set when creating a low-value procurement for how long the submitted tenders must be valid, during this time the contract must be awarded

The tenders must be valid at least 10–30 days after the time limit for submission of tenders.

1. Create a new low-value procurement

4. Processing of tenders

8. Sorting and filtering

Pakkumuste jõusoleku tähtaeg

Time limit for validity of tenders

the deadline after which the tender is no longer valid, i.e. it is not binding for the tenderer anymore

The time limit for validity of tenders is calculated automatically based on the time limit for submission of tenders and the period of validity of tenders.

1. Create a new low-value procurement

4. Processing of tenders

Pakkumuste ootel

Pending tenders

a low-value procurement for which the invitation to submit a tender has been sent out to the tenderers and the time limit for submission of tenders has not expired

2. Correspondence/communication with the tenderers

3. Change conditions

Partneri andmed

Details of the partner

the information about the partner: name, registry code, additional information (if added), contact person(s)

0. Partners



an economic operator from whom you can ask for tenders/offers (i.e. invite to tender); this page is basically a user-created database of economic operators (companies)

Partnerile … lisatud kontakt

Contact person added to the partner …

shown in the log of changes, if a contact person was added (conditions were changed) to a low-value procurement during the stage of pending tenders ('Pakkumuste ootel')

Partnerilt … eemaldatud kontakt

Contact person removed from the partner …

shown in the log of changes, if a contact person was removed (conditions were changed) from a low-value procurement during the stage of pending tenders ('Pakkumuste ootel')



the button to use if you wish to download or print the report of the low-value procurement

9. Report



the explanation or reason why you wish to do or not do something, e.g. why you have added less than three tenderers or wish to cancel the low-value procurement; the placeholder in such text boxes

1. Create a new low-value procurement

4. Processing of tenders

5. Award a contract

7. Save, delete, cancel


In days

one of the options to indicate the estimated term of performance of the contract

1. Create a new low-value procurement

Reg. nr. / Registrinumber

Registry code / Registration number

a unique number given to an economic operator when entered in the commercial register

Registry codes for Estonian legal persons can be found in the e-Business Register

if an economic operator does not possess such a code (e.g. mostly in case of a foreign company where the entry in a register is not prescribed by the law of the home country), you can use another feature that makes it possible to identify them

0. Partners

8. Sorting and filters



a home country of an economic operator (an Estonian branch [Eesti filiaal] is still considered an Estonian economic operator, as it is registered in Estonia and has an Estonian registry code)

0. Partners



the button to use when you wish to send an invitation to tender or a message to the tenderer(s)

1. Create a new low-value procurement

2. Correspondence/communication with the tenderers

3. Change conditions

Saada partneritele kutse

Send the invitation to the partners

1. Create a new low-value procurement

Saada partneritele teade muudetud tingimuste kohta

Send the partners a notification about the changed conditions

3. Change conditions

Saada sõnum

Send a message

the button to use when you wish to send a message to the tenderer(s)

2. Correspondence/communication with the tenderers



the sender can be either the tenderer (the name of the partner is shown) or if the sender is from the university then the internal view (for the employees using VOK) shows the name of the employee while the external view for the tenderers shows only ‘Hankija’ (contracting authority) and does not reveal the name of the employee

2. Correspondence/communication with the tenderers



the button to save a low-value procurement in preparation

7. Save, delete, cancel



the explanation added by the person who conducted the low-value procurement, e.g., regarding why the low-value procurement was cancelled or why all tenders were declared unsuitable

4. Processing of tenders

5. Award a contract

7. Save, delete, cancel

8. Sorting and filtering

Sisesta nimetus

Enter a name

the placeholder in the text box where you have to insert the name of the low-value procurement

1. Create a new low-value procurement

Sisesta põhjendus …

Insert a justification

the placeholder in the text box where you have to enter the reason for having less than three tenderers

1. Create a new low-value procurement

Sisesta tehtud muudatused …

Enter the changes made

the placeholder in the text box where you have to insert the short overview of the changes made

3. Change conditions

Sisesta valdkond või kood

Enter the area of activity or the code

the placeholder for a CPV code, please note that you cannot use this box to choose/enter the code and have to use the button ‘Vali CPV’ next to it

1. Create a new low-value procurement



the content of the requirements set when creating a low-value procurement, the content of a message/reply or the content of a tender (based on our conditions/requirements)

1. Create a new low-value procurement

2. Correspondence/communication with the tenderers

3. Change conditions

4. Processing of tenders

Soovitud toote/teenuse/töö kirjeldus

Description of the desired supply/service/works

the placeholder in the text box where you have to enter your requirements for the supply/service/works when creating a low-value procurement

1. Create a new low-value procurement


Social service(s)

1. Create a new low-value procurement

the services mentioned in Annex XIV to Directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council (PPA § 126 subsection 1)

Health, social and related services:

75200000-8; 75231200-6; 75231240-8; 79611000-0; 79622000-0 [Supply services of domestic help personnel]; 79624000-4 [Supply services of nursing personnel] and 79625000-1 [Supply services of medical personnel] from 85000000-9 to 85323000-9; 98133100-5, 98133000-4; 98200000-5; 98500000-8 [Private households with employed persons] and 98513000-2 to 98514000-9 [Manpower services for households, Agency staff services for households, Clerical staff services for households, Temporary staff for households, Home-help services and Domestic services]

Administrative social, educational, healthcare and cultural services:

85321000-5 and 85322000-2, 75000000-6 [Administration, defence and social security services], 75121000-0, 75122000-7, 75124000-1; from 79995000-5 to 79995200-7; from 80000000-4 Education and training services to 80660000-8; from 92000000-1 to 92700000-8

79950000-8 [Exhibition, fair and congress organisation services], 79951000-5 [Seminar organisation services], 79952000-2 [Event services], 79952100-3 [Cultural event organisation services], 79953000-9 [Festival organisation services], 79954000-6 [Party organisation services], 79955000-3 [Fashion shows organisation services], 79956000-0 [Fair and exhibition organisation services]

Compulsory social security services:


Benefit services:

75310000-2, 75311000-9, 75312000-6, 75313000-3, 75313100-4, 75314000-0, 75320000-5, 75330000-8, 75340000-1

Other community, social and personal services including services furnished by trade unions, political organisations, youth associations and other membership organisation services:

98000000-3; 98120000-0; 98132000-7; 98133110-8 and 98130000-3



the current state of the low-value procurement; shown in the overview ('Üldandmed') of the low-value procurement

8. Sorting and filtering

Staatuse põhjendus/põhjus

The explanation of the status

specifies the grounds of the status, appears for cancelled and completed low-value procurements; shown in the overview ('Üldandmed') of the low-value procurement

8. Sorting and filtering



all messages/questions sent by us and by the tenderers with replies

2. Correspondence/communication with the tenderers

Sõnumid puuduvad

No messages

if no messages have been sent or received (yet)

2. Correspondence/communication with the tenderers



the button that allows you to go back to a previous page



a benefit which is not goods / a supply. All services other than specific or social services.

1. Create a new low-value procurement

Tegelik maksumus KMta

The actual value (of the contract) without VAT

the final and real (not necessarily the same as the estimated value) cost of the contract

Completion of the contract

Tegevusvaldkond / CPV kood

Area of activity / CPV code

the category of the supply/service you wish to purchase

1. Create a new low-value procurement

You can look at CPV codes (in all EU languages) in this file (please download pilt-20250218-082320.png it, as the preview of the XLSX file is distorted and unhelpful).

Tegevusvaldkonna CPV koodi valimine

Selection of the CPV code of the area of activity

1. Create a new low-value procurement


Phone number

the phone number of a contact person of a partner, not a mandatory field

0. Partners



one of the possible outcomes of the contract; the most common and the simplest option, used if the tenderer has appropriately handed over the supply to us, provided the service or performed the works; one of the explanations of the status Completed

Completion of the contract

8. Sorting and filtering

Täitmise eeldatav tähtaeg

The estimated term of performance

the estimation inserted when the low-value procurement was created concerning when the supply should be delivered or the service provided

8. Sorting and filtering

Täpsustav info

Additional information

any extra info about a partner or a partner’s contact person, not a mandatory field

0. Partners



section of creating a new low-value procurement where you appoint the person responsible and the unit responsible for the low-value procurement and can also appoint managers

1. Create a new low-value procurement



the button to confirm cancelling a low-value procurement


4. Processing of tenders

5. Award a contract

Tühista väikeost

Cancel the low-value procurement

the button to cancel a low-value procurement

Since the status ‘Pakkumuste ootel’, i.e., when the invitation to submit a tender has been sent out, it is no longer possible to delete a low-value procurement; then you have to cancel it, if necessary. If you have already awarded (signed) the contract, you cannot cancel the low-value procurement anymore.


4. Processing of tenders

5. Award a contract

Tühistamise põhjus

The reason for cancelling


Cancelling has to be justified, i.e., you will need to add a reason when cancelling a low-value procurement. The reason could be, for example, that our needs have changed or we have to specify the conditions. If no tender meets the requirements we set, we do not cancel, but declare tenders unsuitable. An automatic notification will be sent to the tenderers when you cancel, so you do not need to send any other notification or message.



a low-value procurement which we have cancelled before awarding a contract or which has been cancelled automatically due to no tenders submitted. The low-value procurements where all submitted tenders were unsuitable also have this status

8. Sorting and filtering

Uus partner

New partner

the title of the dialogue box of creating a new partner where you have to enter the partner’s details

0. Partners

Uus väikeost

New low-value procurement

the first section of creating a new low-value procurement where you have to insert the name of the low-value procurement

1. Create a new low-value procurement



the button to use when you wish to see a more detailed/precise information

0. Partners

Vali CPV

Choose the CPV

the button that takes you to the search bar and the tree menu of the CPV codes

1. Create a new low-value procurement

You can look at CPV codes (in all EU languages) in this file (please download pilt-20250218-082320.png it, as the preview of the XLSX file is distorted and unhelpful).

Vali üks

Choose one

in drop-down lists with multiple options; e.g. when cancelling a low-value procurement pending a contract (before awarding a contract but after declaring a winner), choosing/changing a contact person, sending a message to a tenderer after the time limit for submission (messages are no longer sent to all tenderers) or choosing an outcome of a contract

4. Processing of tenders

5. Award a contract

Completion of contract



the text box where you can enter your answer to a question from a tenderer and/or the button to use when you wish to send your answer

2. Correspondence/communication with the tenderers



the replier can be either the tenderer (the name of the partner is shown) or if the replier is from the university then the internal view (for the employees using VOK) shows the name of the employee while the external view for the tenderers shows only ‘Hankija’ (contracting authority) and does not reveal the name of the employee

2. Correspondence/communication with the tenderers

Vastutav töötaja

Responsible employee

the employee who has been assigned responsible for a low-value procurement

The responsible person is responsible for the low-value procurement, namely, they have access to the details of the low-value procurement and the right to make changes to them. The person who is chosen will get a relevant email notification.

1. Create a new low-value procurement

8. Sorting and filtering

Vastutav üksus

Responsible unit

the unit that has been assigned responsible for a low-value procurement

1.Create a new low-value procurement

8. Sorting and filtering

Vormista leping

Finalise the contract

the button to enter the details of the contract

5. Award a contract

According to TalTech’s Rules on Contracts, a contract shall always be concluded in writing if the value of the contract is 10,000 or more euros, net of value added tax. So if the value of the winning tender is 9,999.99 euros or less, it is sufficient to notify the tenderer and insert the details of the agreement. In this case the notification is considered awarding the contract.

Vormista võitjaga leping

Finalise the contract with the winner

the button to enter the details of the contract

5. Award a contract

According to TalTech’s Rules on Contracts, a contract shall always be concluded in writing if the value of the contract is 10,000 or more euros, net of value added tax. So if the value of the winning tender is 9,999.99 euros or less, it is sufficient to notify the tenderer and insert the details of the agreement. In this case the notification is considered awarding the contract.



the tender that was declared the winner, i.e. the most advantageous tender, see also Processing of tenders

5. Award a contract

6. Performance/completion of contract

Võitjaga ei jõudnud kokkuleppele

No agreement could be made with the winner

one of the options for cancelling a low-value procurement after selecting a winner (before awarding the contract); one of the explanations of the status Cancelled

5. Award a contract

8. Sorting and filtering

Võitjat valima

Choose a winner

the button to select the winner, i.e. the most advantageous tender

4. Processing of tenders


Low-value procurement

see Procurement Rules section 9

Väikeostu andmed

The details of the low-value procurement

section of creating a new low-value procurement where you have to insert most of the details of the low-value procurement: the CPV code, the estimated value, the time limit for submission of tenders, the period of validity of tenders and the term of performance of the contract. Should you wish, you can also alter the name of the low-value procurement here.

1. Create a new low-value procurement

Väikeostu kustutamine

Deletion of the low-value procurement

7. Save, delete, cancel

Väikeostu tühistamine

Cancellation of the low-value procurement


Ühtegi pakkumust ei esitatud

No tenders were submitted

one of the explanations of the status Cancelled

8. Sorting and filtering

Üldandmed / Üldinfo

General information

the details of the low-value procurement that were inserted when creating a new low-value procurement (or have been changed)


or of the contract: 6. Performance/completion of contract



the last section of creating a new low-value procurement where you can see all the details you have entered and have to carefully check that everything is correct

1. Create a new low-value procurement


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0. Partners
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