3. Pending tenders - change conditions

3. Pending tenders - change conditions


The conditions of the low-value procurement can be changed until the time limit for the submission of tenders. Changes are allowed if a need to supplement the criteria set to the supply/service emerges, we wish to extend the time limit for the submission of tenders or add tenderers or replace a contact person.

To change the conditions, move to the page of the low-value procurement, scroll past ‘Üldandmed’ and click on Muuda tingimusi:


This will open the page of details of the low-value procurement, to make changes, you have to go through all of the pages (please check all of the data) by clicking on the button Edasi on the lower left corner of the page:

Should you need, you can always quit making changes at any point by clicking Loobu muudatustest:

If you have reached the page ‘Ülevaade’ (overview) and you are sure that all of the data are correct and necessary changes have been made, click on Saada (send):

This will open a dialogue box where you have to describe the content of the change (e.g., extended the time limit for submission of tenders):


Staatus – Status

Pakkumuste ootel – Pending tenders

Muudatuste ajalugu – Log of changes

Muuda tingimusi – Change conditions

Tühista väikeost – Cancel the low-value procurement

Pakkujad – Tenderers

Haldajad – Managers

Edasi – Forward

Loobu muudatustest – Quit making changes

Tagasi – Back

Saada – Send

Saada partneritele teade muudetud tingimuste kohta – Send the partners a notification about the changed conditions

Oled sa kindel, et soovid pakkumuskutse välja saata? Teavitus pakkumuskutse muutmise kohta saadetakse kõigile väikeostuga seotud partneritele. – Are you sure you wish to send out the invitation to submit a tender? The notification about the changes made to the invitation to submit a tender will be sent to all the partners added to the low-value procurement.

Mitteaktiivsetele kontaktidele teavitust ei saadeta. Vajadusel saad partnerile määrata uue kontakti. – Deactivated contacts will not receive a notification. If necessary, you can assign a new contact person to the partner.

Lühikokkuvõte muudatusest – Summary of the changes

pilt-20250130-092234.png Lühikokkuvõte muudatusest liigub ka partnerite teavitusse – Summary of the changes will be in the notification sent to the partners

Sisesta tehtud muudatused … – Enter the changes made

Loobu – Quit