4. Processing of tenders

4. Processing of tenders


Declaring a winner

If the time limit for the submission of tenders has expired, the responsible employee will get an email notification that either

  1. no tenders were submitted and the low-value procurement is cancelled:


You have a new message from Tallinn University of Technology:

The low-value procurement number of the low-value procurement beginning with the letter Vname of the low-value procurement’ has been cancelled, the time limit for the submission of tenders has expired and no tenders were submitted.

This email has been sent automatically. Please do not reply to it.


  1. the time limit for the submission of tenders has expired and it is possible to start evaluating tenders:

You have a new message from Tallinn University of Technology:

The time limit of submissions of the low-value procurement number of the low-value procurement beginning with the letter Vname of the low-value procurement’ has expired.

You can award the contract until the period of validity of the tenders (yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS).

You can look at and evaluate the tenders here:

Väikeostude keskkond (the link to the environment)

This email has been sent automatically. Please do not reply to it.

By clicking on the button/link in the email, you will get straight to your low-value procurement:

If the time limit for submission has expired, the status of the low-value procurement will change: if no tenders were submitted, the status will automatically be ‘Tühistatud’ (Cancelled), if at least one tender was submitted, the status will now be ‘Hindamisel’ (In evaluation).

If no tenders were submitted to the low-value procurement, you have to decide first whether you want to conduct a new low-value procurement or not. If you decide to conduct a new one, analyse a bit why the low-value procurement might have failed. E.g. whether the time limit for submission was too short or if you made the estimated value visible to the tenderers, could it have been too low, etc. You can also ask from the tenderers why they decided not to participate. If possible, take the feedback you received or the potential reason(s) into account when creating a new low-value procurement, e.g. set a longer time limit for the submission of tenders or for the term of performance. Also consider including other companies.

If at least one tender has been submitted, it is possible to start evaluating the tenders. NB! Before declaring the winner, make sure to examine the contents of the tenders to verify that the tenders meet our requirements. To do so, scroll down on the page of the low-value procurement until you reach the section ‘Pakkumused’ or click on the button Võitjat valima (select a winner) under ‘Üldandmed’:

You should see this:

To look at a tender, move the cursor on the tender and click on Vaata (look):

This will be opened:

Make sure that the content of the tender corresponds to the requirements based on the description inserted by the tenderer and also information in the attachment(s) if added:

Please consider that you have to choose the most advantageous tender that corresponds to the technical requirements as the winner. NB! You cannot change the conditions in the stage of evaluation. If it turns out that our conditions have been inadequate or our needs have changed, the low-value procurement has to be cancelled.

If you wish to declare a tender the winner, click Määra võitjaks on the page of the low-value procurement:

or in the detailed view of the tender:

This will open a dialogue box where you will see the period of validity of tenders and the value of the winning tender and you are asked whether you are sure of your choice. If you are certain you wish to declare this tender the winner, click on Määra võitjaks, if, however, you are not certain or you accidentally chose a wrong tender, choose Loobu or click on the X in the upper right corner to close the window:

Please note that if for some reason the selection of the winner has not been on time and the period of validity of tenders has expired, you must ask for consent from the tender to extend the period of validity of tenders before you can declare the winner. Use the button Saada sõnum (send a message) on the form of the low-value procurement to ask consent from the tenderer. In this case this information is also present in the dialogue box:

Unsuitable tenders

In case no tender meets our requirements or all tenders exceed the estimated value and the values submitted are not acceptable to us, choose the option Mittevastavad pakkumused on the page of the low-value procurement:

This will open a dialogue box where you have to insert the justification that will also be sent to the tenderers. If you have entered the justification, click on Kinnita pakkumuste mittevastavus. If you, however, do not wish to declare all tenders unsuitable after all, choose Loobu.

If all of the tenders have been declared unsuitable, the status of the low-value procurement will be ‘Tühistatud’ (Cancelled).

If a value that exceeds our estimated value is acceptable to us, we do not have to reject the tenders and can choose a winner, see the guide in the 1st column.

If all tenders were unsuitable, you have to decide first whether you want to conduct a new low-value procurement or not. If you decide to conduct a new one, analyse a bit whether the conditions were realistic and realisable (e.g. whether the product is even sold in the requested package size or with such measurements, etc.) or you should just include other companies.

The most advantageous tender is unsuitable

If the most advantageous tender turns out to be unsuitable, you have to separately notify the tenderer and give them a justification of the decision.

If you wish to send a message to a tenderer, move to the page of the low-value procurement, scroll to the end of the page and click on Saada sõnum:

In the stage of evaluation, the message is no longer sent to all of tenderers, you have to choose whom you wish to message. Choose the correct tenderer from the drop-down list:

Under the content, let the tenderer know that we reject their tender and give a short explanation what makes their tender unsuitable.

The next most advantageous tender that meets the conditions is to be declared the winner. Please look at the 1st column for the guide of declaring the winner.

First, you have to decide whether this value is acceptable to you.

  • If not, see the 2nd column above ‘Unsuitable tenders’.

  • If yes, please consider that you yourself cannot declare a tender that exceeds the threshold the winner:

In this case you have to contact the Procurement Division and the course of action will be decided individually for every case considering the circumstances.

If the winner is chosen, the status of the low-value procurement will be ‘Leping sõlmimisel’ (Pending a contract).

In case a tenderer does not want to accept the result and you need support, contact the Procurement Division for help.

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