6. Performance/completion of contract

6. Performance/completion of contract


Go straight to completion of contract:

You can add annexes to the contract if necessary. Annex can be added if an important condition of the contract changes. For instance, if the tenderer requests extension of the time of delivery. But you have to bear in mind that the extension has to be proportionate (e.g. three times longer is disproportionate).

It is recommended to contact the Procurement Division when changing the contract.

If you need to change the contract for some reason, choose Loo lepingu lisa.

You can find it either below ‘Üldandmed’:


or scroll downwards until you reach the section ‘Winner' → 'Leping’:

This will open a dialogue box where you can insert the details of the annex of the contract:

This will open a dialogue box where you can use the arrow to open a drop-down list of contact persons:

Choose the new contact person from the drop-down:

Another option is to click on Lisa kontakt (add a contact):

In case there are two contact persons, the second person will automatically be added and if necessary, you can remove the first contact with the button Eemalda:

If you need to add a completely new contact person who is not yet in the system, you have to go to the page ‘Partnerid’ at first:

and change the information of the partner there (see 0. Partners in this guide)

Completion of contract

If the term of performance of the contract has arrived, you will get an email notification:

You have a new message from Tallinn University of Technology:

The term of performance of the contract for the low-value procurement number of the low-value procurement beginning with the letter Vname of the low-value procurement’ has arrived.

Please enter the outcome of the low-value procurement contract.

You can see the details of the low-value procurement here:

Väikeostude keskkond (the link to the environment)

This email has been sent automatically. Please do not reply to it.

If you wish to complete the contract, choose Lisa lepingu tulemus.

You can find it either below ‘Üldandmed’:

or scroll downwards until you reach the section ‘Winner' → 'Leping’:

This will open a dialogue box where you can enter the final details of the contract:

Otsustamise kuupäev – date of the completion / performance of the contract

The outcome of the contract:

a) täidetud – the most common and the simplest option, the tenderer has appropriately handed over the supply to us, provided the service or performed the works;

b) kokkulepe – if the contract is for some reason not performed, it can be terminated by a mutual agreement if necessary;

c) leppetrahv – only possible if it is stated (such a possibility is foreseen) in the contract entered into in writing or in the invitation to submit a tender.


Be especially careful when entering the details of the contract and do not hurry, as it is not possible to make any changes or corrections to the data after confirming.

This will open a dialogue box where you will be asked whether you are sure you wish to conclude the contract. If you wish to conclude the contract, click on the button Kinnita, if you do not wish to conclude the contract yet, choose Loobu.

The status of the low-value procurement is now ‘Lõpetatud’ (Concluded) and you can no longer perform any operations with it.

Looja – Initiator

Muudatuste ajalugu – Log of changes

Lisa lepingu tulemus – Add the outcome of the contract

Loo lepingu lisa – Create an annex to the contract

Pakkujad – Tenderers

Haldajad – Managers

Võitja – Winner

Pakkumus – Tender

Pakkuja – Tenderer

Esitamise kuupäev – Date of submission

Maksumus KMta – Value without VAT

Sisu – Content

Leping – Contract

Üldinfo – General information

Maksumus – Value

Allkirjastatud – Signed on

Lepingu täitmise kuupäev – Date of performance of the contract

Lepingu allkirjastamise kuupäev – Date the contract was signed

Delta URL pilt-20250130-092234.pngKopeeri dokumendi URL, avades Deltas dokumendi metaandmete vaates olev ikoon Vaata dokumendi URLi. – Copy the URL of the document by opening the icon Vaata dokumendi URLi on the metadata page of the document in Delta.

Kommentaar – Comments

Salvesta – Save

Loobu – Quit

Muuda pakkujaid – Modify the tenderers

Saad vajadusel muuta lepingupartneri kontaktisikut. Palun arvesta, et lepingupartneril peab olema vähemalt üks kehtiv kontaktisik. – You can replace a contact person of a partner if necessary. Please bear in mind that a partner has to have at least one valid contact person.

pilt-20250130-092234.png Pakkujat ei saa eemaldada antud staatuses väikeostult. – A tenderer cannot be removed from a low-value procurement with this status.

Eemalda – Remove

Lisa kontakt – Add a contact person

Muuda – Change

Lepingu tulemus – Outcome of the contract

Lepingu tulemuse lisamisel leping lõpetatakse. – The contract will be concluded by adding the outcome of the contract.

Tegelik maksumus KMta – The actual value (of the contract) without VAT

Otsustamise kuupäev – Date of the decision

Vali üks – Choose one

Täidetud – Performed

Kokkulepe – Mutual agreement

Leppetrahv – Contractual penalty

Kinnita – Confirm

Oled kindel, et soovid lepingu lõpetada? Lepingu lõpetamisel enam väikeostu andmetes muudatusi teha ei saa. – Are you sure you wish to conclude the contract? You can no longer make changes to the details of the low-value procurement after concluding the contract.