1. Create a new low-value procurement

1. Create a new low-value procurement

Until the invitation to submit a tender is sent, the low-value procurement has the status ‘Ettevalmistamisel’ (In preparation):

  1. There is a button Loo uus väikeost in the upper right corner where you can start creating your low-value procurement:

  • You are taken to a page where you have to insert the name of the low-value procurement and click on Loo väikeost to continue:

  • Then the page for the low-value procurement details opens

    1. the next step is to select a CPV code:

CPV code, or the Common Procurement Vocabulary, establishes a single classification system for public procurement aimed at standardising the references used by contracting authorities and entities to describe the subject of procurement contracts. The initiator of the low-value procurement should try to find the code that matches their needs as precisely as possible.

Example: We wish to purchase enzymes –

a)      we enter the product to the search bar:


b)       we search for a code from the tree menu that is as precise as possible (the menu expands by clicking on the plus sign () in front of the code):

The CPV code will not be visible to the tenderers, it’s main purpose is to give an overview to ourself of how much supplies/services/works are purchased that belong to a certain category, and whether we are close to exceeding the thresholds and should conduct a public procurement in the Public Procurement Register or a framework agreement would be necessary. If necessary, you can correct the CPV code yourself until the time limit for submission of tenders. If the CPV code has to be changed after that, this can be done by the Procurement Division.

You can look at CPV codes in this file (please download pilt-20250218-082320.png it, as the preview of the XLSX file is distorted and unhelpful), the classification is provided in all EU languages, so you can search the right code here and paste it to VOK (as the search works only in Estonian).

Choose the CPV code as precisely as possible!


b. After selecting the CPV code, insert the estimated value. Be sure to enter the estimated value exclusive of value added tax (without VAT)!

Decide whether you wish the value to be visible to the tenderers. It is recommended to always make the value visible (in this case it is also easier to reject all tenders as exceeding the estimated value if necessary).


c. Check the box next to ‘Info toetuse kasutamise kohta’ if you are using subsidy/grant funds.

d. Insert the time limit for submission of tenders: date and time.

You can insert the date and time manually (type) or use the calendar button (circled in red on the figure below)

e. Insert the period of validity of the tenders

f. Select the term of performance of the contract (days, weeks, months, a date or a date span).

To progress to the next page, click on the button Edasi on the lower left corner:

If you wish to pause creating a low-value procurement, you can use the button Salvesta to save your work or if you wish to quit the low-value procurement irretrievably, click on Kustuta (delete).

  1. The page ‘Nõuded’ (requirements) will open next, there you have to describe the (technical) requirements for the supply, service or works. Should you wish, you can also add files under the section ‘Manused’ (attachments).


Under the requirements you have to provide a detailed description of your needs, i.e. the subject matter of the public contract, which shall define what the contracting authority wishes to purchase or order and what the tenderer must offer. A technical specification shall clearly and logically define the requirements, providing a detailed description of the requirements in terms of performance and functionality of the subject matter of the public contract, specifying, inter alia, what the purchased/ordered item will be used for. Functional requirements typically specify the conditions and criteria that must be met in terms of quantity, quality, deadlines, etc. Minimum and maximum requirements must be defined. The desired end result can be defined, but not the method to achieve it. A technical specification must not refer to a specific make or source, or a particular process, or to trademarks, patents, types or a specific origin or production which would have the effect of favouring or eliminating certain products or economic operators. Such reference shall be permitted, on an exceptional basis, where a sufficiently precise and intelligible description of the subject matter of the contract is not possible. Such references shall be accompanied by the words ‘or equivalent.’ (see clause 2.9 of the Procurement Rules). Technical specifications must ensure that the conditions for the submission of a tender are equal for all tenderers and must not have the effect of creating unjustified obstacles to the opening up of public procurement to competition (PPA § 88 subsection 7).

It is forbidden to refer to a specific make or source, or a particular process, or to trademarks, patents, types or a specific origin or production which would have the effect of favouring or eliminating certain products or economic operators. Such reference shall be permitted, on an exceptional basis, where a sufficiently precise and intelligible description of the subject matter of the contract is not possible and if it is accompanied by the words ‘or equivalent.’

  1. By clicking on Edasi, you will reach the page ‘Pakkujad’ (tenderers).

Here you can select the economic operators (companies) to whom you wish to send the invitation to submit a tender (at least 3).

You can add the economic operator either by entering (a part of) the name of the company to the text box ‘Otsi partner’ (find a partner) or by using the drop-down list that opens (and scroll until you find a suitable company).

To select the economic operator to whom to send the invitation, click on the company’s name. (You cannot choose multiple tenderers at once, repeat this until sufficient number of tenderers has been added to the low-value procurement.)


If you accidentally added a wrong company or wish to remove a tenderer for some other reason, click on the X:

If you accidentally selected a wrong contact person or wish to remove a contact person for some other reason, click on Eemalda:

If you cannot find a suitable tenderer from the list, you can use the button Lisa uus partner on the right side to create a new partner:

This will open a dialogue box where you have insert data into all text boxes with a red asterisk (*). Finally, click on the button Loo partner. If you for some reason do not want to create a new partner after all, choose Loobu.

If a suitable company exists but the appropriate contact person is not in the list, you have to modify the tenderer by clicking on Muuda:

This will open a dialogue box which shows the existing contact(s) at first, scroll down until you reach the button Lisa uus kontakt:

This will load a form where you can enter the details of the new contact person, to save the new contact, click on the button Muuda partnerit. If you do not wish to save your changes, choose Loobu.

If you have the tenderers in place, you can move to the next page by clicking on the button Edasi.

  1. Employees ('Töötajad')

Here you can appoint the employee responsible for the low-value procurement, the responsible unit and managers.

By default the responsible employee is the initiator (the creator) of the low-value procurement, but you can assign someone else to be responsible, should you wish. The person appointed the responsible employee will get an email notification about it.

Translation of the email:

You have a new message from Tallinn University of Technology:

You have been appointed the person responsible for the low-value procurement number of the low-value procurement beginning with the letter Vname of the low-value procurement’.

You can see the low-value procurement here:

Väikeostude keskkond (the link to the environment)

This email has been sent automatically. Please do not reply to it.

If you click on the box ‘Vastutav üksus’, a drop-down list with all of the units of the university will open, you can find the correct unit by either scrolling or by entering (a part of) the name of the unit.

Managers have access to the low-value procurement and will get email notifications about the low-value procurement. Adding managers is voluntary (you do not have to appoint managers). A manager could be someone from your unit, e.g. the head of the unit, a co-worker who is involved with the purchase, etc.

NB! The responsible employee cannot be from the Procurement Division! It is not necessary to add the employees of the Procurement Division as managers, as the Procurement Division can already see all of the low-value procurements.

If you are done adding the employees, click on the button Edasi.

  1. Overview ('Ülevaade')

The last page to open is ‘Ülevaade’ (overview) where you can see all of the details of the low-value procurement. Please be careful to double-check here that all details are correct. If necessary, you can go back and make corrections.

If you have entered all details and you are sure of their correctness, click on Saada (send):

This will open a dialogue box where you will be asked whether you are sure that you wish to send the invitation. If you are certain, click on Saada. If you, however, do not wish to send the invite to the tenderers yet, choose Loobu.


If you have clicked on the button Saada in the dialogue box, all of the tenderers who were added to the low-value procurement will receive an invitation to submit a tender.

Partner will receive the following email:

Especially when dealing with a new partner, it would be wise to let the tenderer know that the invitation has been sent and to ask them to check the spam folder if necessary. Otherwise it might happen that the low-value procurement is unsuccessful because the email provider has considered our automatic email to be spam and the partner has not received the invitation.

If the invitation to submit a tender has been sent, the status of the low-value procurement will be ‘Pakkumuste ootel’ (Pending tenders).

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