Kaugtööühendus eduVPN / Remote connection with eduVPN

Kaugtööühendus eduVPN / Remote connection with eduVPN

EduVPN on alternatiiv FortiCliendile ainult raamatukogu poolt hangitud andmebaaside kasutamiseks. Ülikooli sisemiste ressursside kasutamiseks tuleb kasutada FortiClienti.

Kaugühendus FortiClient VPN / Remote connection with FortiClient VPN

Teenuse kasutamiseks on vajalik TalTech Uni-ID

EduVPN is a FortiClient alternative for using library-only databases. FortiClient must be used to access on-campus resources.

Kaugühendus FortiClient VPN / Remote connection with FortiClient VPN

A TalTech Uni-ID account is needed to use the service

EduVPN klient Windowsile

Ülikooli domeeni arvutites saab tarkvara paigaldada hõlpsalt läbi Software Centeri, valides tarkvarade hulgast "EduVPN Client" ja clickides install.

Lokaalsetes ja isiklikes arvutites tuleb teha läbi järgnevad sammud:

NB! Kliendi paigaldamiseks on vajalikud arvutis Administraatori õigused

EduVPN client for Windows

On TalTech domain computers software can be easily installed from Software Center, selecting "EduVPN Client" and clicking install.

On local and personal computers go through the following steps:

NB! Installing the client requires Administrator rights on the device

Mine lehele https://eduvpn.taltech.ee ja lae alla Windowsi klient

Download the Windows client from our EduVPN page https://eduvpn.taltech.ee

Paigalda EduVPN tarkvara käivitades allalaetud fail eduVPNClient_latest.exe

Install client software by opening the downloaded file eduVPNClient_latest.exe

Ava EduVPN tarkvara ja otsi "TalTech"

Open EduVPN software and search for "TalTech"

Vajuta "Institute Access" alla oleva Taltechi peale.

Click on Taltech under "Institute Access"

Selle peale avaneb veebileht. Vajuta nupule "Approve" ja autendi kasutades oma Uni-ID kontot

A page opens up in your browser. Click on "Approve" and authenticate using your Uni-ID account

VPN ühenduse loomiseks vajuta EduVPN programmis nupule "TalTech"

To establish a VPN connection, return to EduVPN software and click on "TalTech"

EduVPN for macOS, Android, iOS and Linux devices

MacOS and Linux versions of the software can be downloaded from EduVPN homepage Download - eduVPN by clicking on the corresponding operating system before clicking download.

Android and iOS devices can download the client from Play Store or App Store by searching for "EduVPN".

Enda konto kasutuse infot näeb lehelt https://eduvpn.taltech.ee/vpn-user-portal/account

Küsimuste või probleemide korral kontakeeruge IT HelpDeskiga

Information about your activity on EduVPN can be found here: https://eduvpn.taltech.ee/vpn-user-portal/account

In case of questions or problems please contact IT HelpDesk