2.14. Marking and notification of objects that have been granted funding

In the case of projects funded from structural support, it is important to bear in mind that all documents related to the project — lists, agendas, publications — must include an acknowledgement statement regarding the specific project and preferably also the financial instrument, the fund. In the case of an event, the structural support logo shall be displayed at the location of the event for the duration of the event.

The acquisitions of fixed assets must be supplied with the number of the fixed asset and bear the corresponding EU fund label or an EU flag sticker. If the sticker is worn, it must be replaced in the period of implementation of the project or in some cases up to 5 years after the last disbursement made under the project.

Job advertisements where you are looking for suitable co-workers for the project should also include a clear reference to the fund in the form of a logo.

In order to mark the items and refer to the contribution of the European Union, all the projects or activities funded from structural assistance and introducing structural assistance shall be marked with a logo, incl.:

1) buildings;

2) souvenirs;

3) information and advertising materials:

4) events;

5) machinery;

6) digital media and materials where the logo is placed on the packaging or product and on its cover, frame, image;

7) television programmes, articles and other texts as far as technically possible and suitable;

8) advertisements for printed or digital media publications;

9) printed materials.

If a building is constructed or renovated or large-scale equipment is acquired under a project and the aid granted for the item/object from the project is above EUR 500,000, a billboard shall be erected at the location of the object at first and a plaque shall be installed at the location of the object within three months after the acquisition of the object or the completion of the work.

Articles must be provided with reference to the project under which the publication was prepared. A reference can be provided in the following form: This research was partially funded by European Space Agency (ESA), Grant number XXXX in the program XXXX


The research is supported by the Estonian Research Council grants XXXX ‘project name’, and by the Estonian Research Infrastructures Roadmap

The regulations of the Government of the Republic and the European Commission on which the use of the logo is based can be found on the website www.struktuurifondid.ee  under “Legislation”.

 The Structural Funds logo (in JPG format) and its design versions (in AI and CDR format) can also be downloaded from the website: http://www.struktuurifondid.ee/et/logod

To obtain stickers with printed logos, please contact the project management team of the Research Administration Office, the contacts can be found HERE

In the case of projects that have been granted aid, the articles must be provided with reference to the project/action under which the publication is published. All printed materials must be provided with a clear reference to the project. See also the chapter “Publications, communication of project results during and after the implementation of the project".