2.5. Working exclusively on a single project

Persons working exclusively on a Horizon 2020 single project can use a timesheet or a declaration on exclusive work for the action.

The declaration can be found HERE.

Only one declaration per reporting period is allowed to be submitted for European Commission funded projects. Only one declaration can be submitted per reporting period. If the period of working exclusively on the project is interrupted, you must continue to fill in a timesheet even if you perform no other work than the work related to the concrete project. Such a situation may occur if the person participating in a project conducts degree level studies or continuing education studies in the project period. A timesheet must be filled in starting from the moment when other tasks are performed until the end of the reporting period.

These declarations are always on the focus of interest of the auditors and it is verified whether the employment contract includes any additional non-project tasks, such as managing a department, teaching, supervising. If other tasks are laid down in your employment contract or job description, but your remuneration is paid only from the project financing source, you should fill in a timesheet and consider how you will explain the fact that your other work is not remunerated.

There is no obligation to submit a declaration for projects financed from Structural Funds.

PS! The rules of working exclusively on a single project do not apply to Horizon Europe projects! All project employees are obliged to fill out working time declarations or timesheets given by the model grant agreement.

  File Modified

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 2.5_Declaration.xlsx

02 December 2021 by Varmo Pilt