E-maili listid ja hulgi e-mailide saatmine

E-maili listide haldamine

Listi (distribution list) omanik saab Outlooki kliendis muuta selle liikmeid järgnevate sammudega.

Siseportaalists leiab ka erinevate listide nimekirjad: E-maili listid - TalTech siseportaal

Managing e-mail lists

Owner of a list (distribution list) can change its members in the Outlook client with the following steps.

From intrantet you also can find lists: Lists - TalTech siseportaal

Ava Address Book

Open Address Book

Vali listist Global Address Book

Select Global Address Book from the list

Sisesta listi nimi ja tee topelt klõps listi peal, mille liikmeid muuta soovid

Enter the name of the list and double-click on the list whose members you want to change

Vajuta nupule Modify Members

Click on the button Modify Members

Vajuta Add...

Lisa soovitud liikmed ja salvesta muudatused vajutades Ok.

Listidesse saab lisada ainult @taltech.ee aadressitega kontakte.

Select Add

Add desired members and save the changes by clicking Ok

Only contacts with @taltech.ee addresses can be added to the lists.

Hulgi emailide saatmine - Mail Merge

Kui on vaja saata paljudele inimestele korraga infot e-mailiga ja vastavat meililisti ei ole

Sending bulk emails - Mail Merge

If you need to send information to many people by e-mail at the same time and there is no corresponding mailing list

Step-by-step guide

  • Ava Word - Mailing tab 

  • Alusta Mail Merge-t

Step-by-step guide

  • Open Word - Mailing tab

  • Start Mail Merge

  • Ühenda Word dokument (kirja sisu) ja Excel ( nimede ja aadresside fail) vajutades Select Recipients - Use an Existing List ..

  • vali nimesid ja aadress sisaldav Excel fail - Open

  • Combine the Word document (content of the letter) and Excel (file of names and addresses) by pressing Select Recipients - Use an Existing List ..

  • Select Excel file containing the Names and address - Open

Kirjuta maili sisu vajadusel saad lisada Excel-ist näiteks nimesid kasutades Insert Merged Field 

  • Siis iga saadetud kirja puhul saab Excel-i - tulba pealkirjade valikust lisada väljasid mis iga saadetud kirjas on erinev (Word kirja sisu vaates näiteks - Tere «eesnimi» )

If necessary, you can add the contents of the email from Excel, for example names using the Insert Merged Field

  • For each sent letter, you can add fields that are different in each sent letter from the selection of column headings in Excel (in the Word letter content view, for example - Hello «first name»)

  • Kui kiri valmis saad katsetada kas kirja sisestatud väljad töötavad - vajutades Preview Results 

  • vahetab kirja sees lisatud väljad näiteks  «eesnimi» isiku nimega

  • When the letter is ready, you can test whether the fields entered in the letter work - by pressing Preview Results

  • replaces the fields added inside the letter, for example, «first name» with the person's name

  • ledki valmis massilist postitust tegema - siis vajuta Finish & Merge

    • Valik - Send E.mail messages avab dialoog akna 

    • To: rippmenüüst vali Excel-i tulba pealkiri kus asuvad saajate e-maili aadressid

    • Subject line: Kirjuta e-maili pealkiri



  • Now you are ready to make a mass post - then click Finish & Merge

    • The option - Send e-mail messages opens a dialog window

    • To: from the drop-down menu, select title of the Excel column where the e-mail addresses of the recipients are located

    • Subject line: Write the title of the e-mail