Apple MAIL rakenduses | Apple MAIL application

Apple sülearvutis:

Esmalt tuleks eemaldada konto, mis on tehtud vana seadistusega. Selleks mine: 
Mail → Account → Vali TaltTechi konto ning see järel alt "-":

In Apple Computer:

First you need to set up an account that has been made obsolete. For me:
Mail → Account → Select TaltTech account and then "-":


Kui konto on eemaldatud, siis vali "+" → Microsoft Exchange

If the account is removed, select "+" → Microsoft Exchange

Sisselogimise aknas kirjuta TalTechi e-maili aadress. Seejärel tuleb ette aken, millest valida Sign In 

In the login window, enter your TalTech e-mail address. Then a window will appear from which you can choose Sign In 

Seejärel kuvatakse Microsofti sisselogimis aken, kuhu tuleb logida sisse kujul Seejärel küsitakse UNi-ID parooli ning väljaspool Ülikooli ka kahetasemelist audentimist. Peale edukat sisselogimist on Taltechi e-mail MAIL rakendusse edukalt konfigureeritud

Then a window will appear in the Microsoft login where you have to log in as Then you will be asked for the UNi-ID password and two-level authentication outside the University. After successful login, Taltech e-mail is successfully configured in the MAIL application

iPhone / iPad seadmes:

Esmalt tuleks eemaldada konto, mis on tehtud vana seadistusega. Selleks mine: Settings → Mail → Accounts

iPhone / iPad devices:

First you should remove the account made with the old setup. To do this, go to: Settings → Mail → Accounts

Vali TalTechi konto ning seejärel Delete Account

Select TalTech Account and then Delete Account

Seejärel Lisa konto uuesti Add Account → Microsoft Exchange

Then Add the account again Add Account → Microsoft Exchange


Kirjuta oma TalTechi e-maili aadress ja next, peale mida tuleb valida "Sign In"

Enter your TalTech e-mail address and next, after which you must select "Sign In"

Seejärel kuvatakse Microsofti sisselogimis aken, kuhu tuleb logida sisse kujul Seejärel küsitakse UNi-ID parooli ning väljaspool Ülikooli ka kahetasemelist audentimist. Peale edukat sisselogimist on Taltechi e-mail MAIL rakendusse edukalt konfigureeritud

Then a window will appear in the Microsoft login where you have to log in as Then you will be asked for the UNi-ID password and two-level authentication outside the University. After successful login, Taltech e-mail is successfully configured in the MAIL application