1.4. General principles of data management at the university

The university’s general principles of data management must be followed upon the preparation and implementation of projects.

Information security principles. A person involved in the research of the university shall take organisational, physical and technical information security measures in order to protect personal data from disclosure, unauthorised processing and destruction. The process of selecting and implementing appropriate information security measures must be based on the basic principles set out in the university’s Information Security Policy, see https://oigusaktid.taltech.ee/infoturbe-poliitika/ . It is recommended to consult the university’s data protection and information security specialists on information security issues.

Training and counselling. Trainings on the processing and protection of personal data take place regularly at the university; information about the trainings can be found in the relevant training plan and calendar on the intranet at https://portal.taltech.ee/wiki/show/et:koolitused:koolitusplaan:main. A person participating in research can also order a separate personal data processing and protection training for the research project team.

To raise awareness of information security you can take the Cyber Hygiene online course at https://hope.ttu.ee . To improve your general digital competence, you can take the online course Digital Wisdom in the university’s Moodle environment at https://moodle.taltech.ee/.

In matters of data management and data protection, you can consult the coordinator of personal data and state secret protection at the university (e-mail: henri.schasmin@taltech.ee; phone: 620 2017).