CostPocketi teenuse põhialused / The basics of the CostPocket service

Põhiline / Basics

  • Please send only expense documents (invoice, check), not documents proving payment information (payment order, instant payment receipt etc) to the Costpocket service for digitization – read more

  • The file or image sent for digitization may contain one and only one expense document; to digitize several (n) expense documents, n images or files must be taken and sent

  • When sending checks by e-mail, your e-mail address must be in the or domain, documents sent from other addresses will not reach the economic expenses module

  • Digitization in CostPocket mobile apps, web service or email takes at least 7 hours

  • Immediate digitization of the expense document is possible in the mobile application only if you use the working link "Digitize yourself" next to the uploaded document


Palun ole teadlik, et CostPocketisse digiteerimisele saadetud dokument ei ilmu aruande juurde*,

  • kui see ei ole originaalne kuludokument, vaid makset tõendav dokument,

  • kui CostPocketi rakendus leiab oma andmebaasist varasema sama dokumendi.

*Mulje, et küll ilmuvad andmed ka vale dokumendi saatmisel, loob CostPocketi töötaja, kes võib inimlikult proovida meid aidata, püüdes valelt dokumendilt midagi välja lugeda, kuigi tal sellist kohustust ei ole.

A document sent to CostPocket for digitization does not appear in the report*,

  • if it is not an original expense document, but a document proving payment

  • if the CostPocket application finds a previous same document in its database

*The impression that the data appears even when sending the wrong document is created by a CostPocket employee who may try to help us by trying to read something from the wrong document, although he has no obligation.

Topelt dokumendid Costpocket’s / Double documents in Costpocket

Vahel juhtub, et saadame Costpocket’sse sama arvet/tšekki korduvalt. Sellisel juhul annab Costpocket märku, et edastatud dokumendi näol on tegemist duplikaadiga. Duplikaati ei edastata majanduskulu aruandesse.

Kui on kahtlus, miks üleslaetud arve/tšekk majanduskulu aruandesse ei jõua, siis võib logida keskkonda või telefonis olevast äpist kontrollida, kas arvel/tšekil on staatus “Digiteeritud. Topelt”.

Costpocketi koondvaates on veerg arve/tšeki staatuse kohta. Kui seal veerus on väärtus “Digiteeritud. Topelt”, siis võib klõpsata vastava arve real. Avaneb järgmine vaade:


Esimene samm oleks topelt dokumendi kustutamine (soovitame seda teha keskkonnas). Selleks tuleks vajutada topelt staatusega dokumendi peale ning seejärel vajutada üleval paremal nurgas “Dublikaat dokumendid” nupule. Selles vaates kuvatakse topelt dokument ning ka topelt dokumendi staatus. TalTechi puhul näidatakse ka seda, et millise aruandega dokument juba seotud on. Topelt dokumendi kustutamiseks vajutada nuppu “Kustuta”. Nupp on nii dokumendi detailvaates kui ka koondvaates, kui valida kindel dokument linnukesega.


Sometimes can happen that we send to Costpocket already previously sent bill/check. In such cases Costpocket will notify if the document is a duplicate. Duplicate document will not be sent to finance report.

If there is doubt on why bill/check is not sent to report, it is possible to check in environment or on the app if the bill/check has status “Digitised. Duplicate”.

In Costpoclet overview there is a column on the status. If the value in the column is “Digitised. Duplicate”, then you can click on the bill/check row for detail view:

Duplicate bill/check should be deleted (you should do it in environment). For that click on the duplicate document, in the detail view is tab “Duplicate”. In that view duplicate document is displayed as well its status. In case of TalTech it displays also with which report the document is related already. To delete duplicate document, just use button “Delete”. Button can be found either in detail view or when marking a specific document in overview.


Topelt dokumendi muutmine originaalseks / Change duplicate document to original

Mõnikord juhtub, et süsteem kvalifitseerib valesti dokumendi duplikaadiks. Juhul kui dokument on esmakordselt esitatav, siis duplikaadi staatuse eemaldamiseks tuleks dokumendi detailvaates real “Dokumendi number” lisada 1 tähemärk juurde (tühikut mitte kasutada). Sellisel juhul saab süsteem aru, et tegu on unikaalse dokumendiga ja eemaldatakse staatus “Topelt”.

Sometimes happens that the system qualifies incorrectly a document as duplicate. In case the document is original, then to remove the duplicate status go to document detail view, where on field “Document number” add one character (not space). System will then understand that submitted document is original and will remove status “Duplicate”.