Enterprise Architect

Enterprise Architect (EA) - TalTech informaatika ja äriinfotehnoloogia erialade jaoks vajalik programm ja seotud paketid. Tarkvara tootja on SparxSystems. Allalaadimiseks pakutav versioon on 12.0.1214.7 . Allalaadimine nõuab Uni-ID kasutamist. Samuti installeeritud ICT maja arvutiklassides.


  1. Un-installida kõik varasemad Enterprise Architect versioonid ja seotud pakid.

  2. Pakkida lahti maha laetud Enterprise Architect ZIP fail kindlasse kaustasse, näiteks C:\Temp\EA12unpacked


  3. Kõik installeerimised peavad olema tehtud administratiivse kasutaja õigustes. Alternatiivselt installeerimist võib teha ka interaktiivselt (nt topeltklõpsuga vastavale installeerimisfailile), aga sel juhul iga komponendi installeerimise käigus kasutaja peab esitama administraatori volitused. Järgnevas juhendis sõnad “administreerimise käsurida” tähendab sissehitatud “cmd.exe” programmi mis on käivitatud andministratiivsete õigustega (Run As Administrator) koos õigesti valitud paki töökaustaga, kuhu installeerimise pakk on pakitud lahti, näiteks:


  4. Installeerige Enterprise Architect 12.0.1214.7 põhipakett, näiteks administreerimise käsureas:

  5. Käivitada TUTKeyStorage.bat sisse logitud kasutajana (mitte kasutada muu konto). Administratiivseid õigusi selle faili käivitamiseks ei nõuta. NB! KeyStore (litsentsivõtmete hoidla) on “ssks://license5.intra.ttu.ee”. Kontrollida seaded võib Registry Editor-iga:

  6. (Valikuline) Installeerida Zachman Add-in, näiteks administreerimise käsureas:

  7. (Valikuline) Installeerida DDS Add-In, näiteks administreerimise käsureas:

  8. (Valikuline) Installeerida Visio Importer Add-In, näiteks administreerimise käsureas:

  9. (Valikuline) Installeerida TOGAF Add-In, näiteks administreerimise käsureas:

  10. (Valikuline) Luua “Enterprise Architect DDL Template” nimeline alamkaust Documents kaustas ja kopeerida sinna DDLenhanced.xml malli fail. Võib kasutada ka Public Documents selle jaoks (sel juhul see on kõikidele arvutikasutajatele nähtav), näiteks administreerimise käsureas:

  11. Installeerida EADDLenh Ann-In (Nekrassova lõputöö), näiteks administreerimise käsureas:

  12. Installeerida Enterprise Architect Natural Language Generator. Selle jaoks administreerimise käsureas:

    1. Käivitada EA-NLG.exe iselahtipakkiv arhiiv. See pakib lahti vajalikud failid eel-seadistatud kaustasse C:\ProgramData\EA-NLG:

    2. Kopeerida “Natural Language Generator.lnk” fail Start Menu-sse, “Enterprise Architect 12” kaustasse:

    3. Pärast faili kopeerimist ilmub Start Menu-s uus rida:

    4. Maha laadida Oracle kodulehelt ja seejärel installeerida Java JDK17 administratiiv õigustes.

  13. Teha arvutile restart.

  14. Enterprise Architect 12 on kasutamiseks valmis.

Enterprise Architect 12 käivitamine

NB! Enne programmi käivitamist veenduge et installeerimise samm nr 5 (TUTKeyStorage.bat) on õigesti tehtud.

Esimest korda programmi käivitamisel ja/või litsentsi võtme puudumisel see hangitakse Taltech võrgu serverist. Selle jaoks on vaja:

  • Luua VPN ühendus käivitades FortiClientVPN programmi.

  • Kui VPN ühendus on loodud, võib Enterprise Architect 12 käivitada.

Käivitamise käigus programm laenab automaatselt võrgu kaudu litsentsivõtmete hoidla serverist litsentsivõtme. Võti kehtib 10 nädalat ja selle aja jooksul ei nõuta programmi käivitamisel võrguühendust. Võtme kehvtivuse perioodi lõppemisel võib vajadusel uuesti luua VPN võrguühenduse. Seejärel programmi uuesti käivitamisel litsentsivõti uueneb järgmiseks perioodiks.

Enterprise Architect (EA) is program that is required for TalTech Informatics and Business Information Technology Majors. Software developer is SparxSystems. The version for Download is 12.0.1214.7 Using the Uni-ID is required for download. The program is also installed in the computer classrooms of the ICT building.


  1. Un-install all previous Enterprise Architect versions and also connected additional packages.

  2. Unpack the downloaded Enterprise Architect ZIP file into certain folder, for example C:\Temp\EA12unpacked

  3. All installation procedures should be done using administrative rights. Alternatively the installation could be also done interactively (e.g. double-clicking certain installation files), but this way the user should provide administrative credentials separately for each install. The following guide uses the term “administrative command line” meaning the “cmd.exe” program that is started under administrative credentials (Run As Administrator) along with correctly chosen working folder where the downloaded ZIP package was previously unpacked, for example:

  4. Install the Enterprise Architect 12.0.1214.7 main package, for example by using administrative command line:

  5. Run the TUTKeyStorage.bat file with currently logged user credentials (do not use any other user credentials). It is not required to run the file with administrative rights. NB! The KeyStore (license keys repository) is “ssks://license5.intra.ttu.ee“. To ensure the correctness of the setup the Registry Editor can be used:

  6. (Optional) Install the Zachman Add-in, for example by using administrative command line:

  7. (Optional) Install the DDS Add-In, for example by using administrative command line:

  8. (Optional) Install the Visio Importer Add-In, for example by using administrative command line:

  9. (Optional) Install the TOGAF Add-In, for example by using administrative command line:

  10. (Optional) Create the sub-folder inside the Documents folder and name it “Enterprise Architect DDL Template”. Copy the DDLenhanced.xml template file into the newly created folder. The Public Documents folder could be also used for this purpose (this way the new folder will be used for all users of the computer), for example by using administrative command line:

  11. Install the EADDLenh Ann-In (Nekrassova bachelor thesis), for example by using administrative command line:

  12. Install the Enterprise Architect Natural Language Generator. To do this by using the administrative command line:

    1. Run the EA-NLG.exe self-extracting archive file. This unpacks the needed files into pre-configured folder C:\ProgramData\EA-NLG:

    2. Copy the “Natural Language Generator.lnk” file into the “Enterprise Architect 12” sub-folder of Start Menu:

    3. After copying there is new entry line present in Start Menu:

    4. Download the Java JDK17 from the Oracle website and then install it with administrative rights.

  13. Restart the computer.

  14. The Enterprise Architect 12 is ready for use.

Running the Enterprise Architect 12

NB! Before starting the program make sure that Installation step nr 5 (TUTKeyStorage.bat) has been run correctly.

When starting the Enterprise Architect for the first time and/or if the license key is missing or expired it should be acquired from Taltech network server. To do that:

  • Establish the VPN connection using FortiClientVPN program.

  • When VPN connection is established, the Enterprise Architect 12 can be started.

While starting the program automatically borrows the license key from license key repository over network connection. The borrowed key is valid during 10 weeks from the moment it is borrowed and does not require the network connection to key repository while subsequently starting the program. When the license key is expired it could be renewed over VPN connection to Taltech internal network using the above-mentioned procedure. After the key is renewed for the new borrowing period, the program is ready to be used as usual again.