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Juhendid ja nõuandeid ÜLIÕPILASTELE (In english)


Seoses Teie


tööle asumisega Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli on


Teile loodud ülikooli poolt elektrooniline

inetntiteet. -

identiteet "Uni-ID

- Viimane

", mis koosneb kasutajatunnusest ja salasõnast. 

Esmase Uni-ID konto parooli seadistamiseks saadetakse igale uuele õppurile Teile e-kiri esmase parooliga 
parooliga või viitega parooliseadistamise keskkonnale, juhul kui kasutaja konto on Eesti isikukoodiga seotud. Kontole rakendub ka kahetasemeline isikutuvastus.

Rohkem infot Uni-ID

põhist autentimist saab kasutada alljärgnevates ülikooli teenustes:

E-mail (igal kasutajal on ülikooli e-mail)

Instructions and advice for STUDENTS #eng

kohta leiad siit.


In connection with your

commencement of studies

employment at the Tallinn University of Technology, the university has created an electronic identity

. -



" for you, which consists of a username and password.

To set the a password for first time to your Uni-ID account, an email with the initial password will be sent to each new student
you or with a reference to the password resetting environment , if the user's your account has been tied with to the Estonian ID number.

Uni-ID based authentication can be used in the following university services:

E-mail (each user has a university e-mail)

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cqllabel in ("taltech","uni-id","onedrive") and type = "page" and space = "ITI"
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Juhendid ja nõuandeid uuele TÖÖTAJATELE

Seoses Teie tööle asumisega Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli on teile loodud ülikooli poolt elektrooniline inetntiteet. - Uni-ID - Viimane koosneb kasutajatunnusest ja salasõnast.

Esmase Uni-ID konto parooli seadistamiseks saadetakse igale uuele töötajale e-kiri esmase parooliga 
või viitega parooliseadistamise keskkonnale, juhul kui kasutaja konto on Eesti isikukoodiga seotud.

Uni-ID põhist autentimist saab kasutada alljärgnevates ülikooli teenustes:

E-mail (igal kasutajal on ülikooli e-mail)

Instructions and advice for new EMPLOYEES

In connection with your starting work at Tallinn University of Technology, the university has created an electronic identity. - Uni-ID - consists of a username and password.

To set the password for the primary Uni-ID account, an email with the initial password will be sent to each new employee
or with a reference to the password resetting environment, if the user's account has tied with Estonian ID number.

Uni-ID based authentication can be used in the following university services:

E-mail (each user has a university e-mail)A two-level authentication also applies to the account.

You can find more information about the Uni-id here.