Instructions for writing support services

The project proposal writing service can be requested if you open the intranet, click on the self-service section and go to the services which are offered by the Research Administration Office. The second option is to use the direct link:

NB! The service can be requested by anyone who has an Uni-ID!

Some data fields of the service form are always shown in both Estonian and English languages, some fields are shown based on the user language setting preferences. The user can change the language on the Help Center by pressing the user’s character on the top right and selecting Muutke keelt/Change language.

Person who requests the service (client)

  1. Fills in the data following data fields:

    1. Requested service/soovitud teenus (ticking the needed service(s) and providing additional information if needed);

    2. After that all the remaining data fields shall be filled in and additional documents attached if relevant;

  2. After the form is filled in, push the Create button. Now your request is submitted to the project proposal writing team;

  3. After submitting the request the client will receive an e-mail with a link where he/she can see the content of the request, including the current status and comments added;

  4. All the submitted requests and their statuses can be tracked here:


Research Administration Office

  1. The request will be automatically assigned to the team lead of the project proposal writers (Siim) who will receive a notification e-mail. Other proposal writers (Kristel and Lance) will also receive an e-mail. Proposal writers will agree among themselves who will be the responsible person dealing with the request and will assign the task to him/her in the system (Jira);

  2. The responsible person will accept the request by pushing the “Start progress” button in Jira;

  3. The client will automatically receive an e-mail that his request has been accepted;

  4. If needed, the proposal writer will forward the project proposal idea to the head of the department. For this, the proposal writer will write a comment which is directed to the head of department and pushes the button “approval”.

Head of department

  1. The head of the department will receive a notification e-mail containing a link to the client´s request together with the comment of project proposal writer;

  2. The head of the department has to decide whether to “Approve” or “Decline” the request. It is recommended to check the request in full, by clicking on the link in the e-mail. Then it is possible to get acquainted with all the information of the request, including the comments added by the project proposal writer. It is possible to for the head to add his/her comments if necessary;

  3. The client and the project proposal writer will receive an e-mail about whether the head of the department approved or declined the request.

Research Administration Office

  1. After the head of the department has approved the requests the status of the request will be “Work in progress”;

  2. If the request is handled, meaning the service is provided as agreed, the project proposal writer will end/finalise the task by pushing the “Mark as Done” button;

  3. If needed, the ended/finalised request can be reopened, by pushing the “Reopen issue” button. After that the status of the request will change into “Reopened” which will enable to start dealing with the request again (by pushing on “Start progress”).

  4. After the request is handled the client will receive an automatic feed-back questionnaire in order to improve the service quality and to better meet the client´s needs.