Monitoring exams

Exam monitoring principles

If it is impossible to change the assessment methods, there are technical possibilities for monitoring students' exam performance. However, we recommend that you leave the monitoring of exam performance to be the last choice.


Written consent form

If a video recording or monitoring software is intended to be used as a means of identifying the actions of a student at an examination, the lecturer shall:

  1. inform the student about the use of video recording/monitoring software before the exam;

  2. ask for the prior written consent of the student.

Written consent shall include the following information:

  1. data processing: video recording/monitoring during the examination;

  2. course title: /to be filled in by the lecturer/;

  3. name of the lecturer: /to be filled in by the lecturer/;

  4. video recording device/ monitoring software: /to be filled in by the lecturer/;

  5. purpose of data processing: passing an exam;

  6. period of preservation of the data: from the examination to the end of the semester;

  7. the person responsible for deleting the data: the person preserving the data.

Written consent may be requested from the student by e-mail or other technical means. For example, when asking for consent by e-mail, a lecturer may ask the student to give confirmatory consent to use the tool by responding to the letter.

For further information, please contact Henri Schasmin by e-mail at or by phone 6202017.

Conditions for monitoring exam performance

  • Written consent must be requested from students.

  • If the student does not agree to exam monitoring, another way of taking the exam must be guaranteed following the current arrangements of studies.

  • We recommend that you do not save your exams. If recording is necessary, students must be notified in advance of the recording and a prior written consent must be asked. Students must also be informed of how long the recordings will be kept. Recordings of exam performance are allowed to be kept until the end of the semester.

  • The person responsible for deleting the data must be stated.