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Kõik ülikooli kasutajad saavad luua Microsoft 365 rühmi.

Rühm sisaldab:

  1. E-maili aadressi koos iseseisva postkastiga

  2. Kalendrit

  3. Sharepointi saiti

Rühma looja pannakse automaatselt omaniku rolli. Omanik saab muuta rühma sätteid ja lisada/eemaldada liikmeid.

Liikmeteks saab ka lisada ülikooliväliseid kontakte.

Rühma loomine

  1. Logi sisse Uni-ID tunnusega

  2. Vali “Uus kontakt” kõrval olevast rippmenüüst “Uus Rühm”

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  3. Avaneb aken kus peab määrama rühmale nime, e-maili aadressi, kirjelduse ja algsed sätted.

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  4. Vajutades nupule “Loo” on rühm loodud ja järgnevas aknas on võimalus lisada esimesed liikmed.

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Rühma haldamine

Rühma haldamine toimub samas kohas kus loomine

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  1. saavad kõik rühma liikmed rühma e-mailile tulevad kirjad enda postkasti. (Iga liige saab enda jaoks selle välja lülitada)

  2. saab rühma e-mailile saata kirju ainult ülikooli aadressitelt ja välistelt aadressitelt kes on rühma liikmed

All university users can create Microsoft 365 groups.

Group features include:

  1. E-mail address with a separate inbox

  2. Calendar

  3. Sharepoint site

By default, the person who created the group is the group owner. Owners can change group settings and add/remove members.

Members can also be added from outside the university.

Group creation

  1. Log in to with your Uni-ID account.

  2. Choose “New group” from the drop-down selection next to “New contact”

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  3. A window appears where you choose the name, e-mail address, description and initial settings for the group.

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  4. After clicking on “Create” the group will be created and you’ll get a choice to add the first member(s).

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Group management

You can manage your groups in the same web page

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By default:

  1. every group member gets a copy of all emails sent to the group email to their personal inbox. (This setting can be turned off per member)

  2. only people with university e-mail addresses and group members can send emails to the group