Company Portali kasutamine
Company portal töötab vaid keskhalduses oleval arvutil, ehk arvuti kuhu logite sisse UNI-id abil. Company portal on mõeldud IT osakonna poolt eelnevalt ettevalmistatud tarkvara installeerimiseks arvutisse. Company portal ei vaja administraatori õiguseid
Company Portali avamine Windowsi otsinguriba kaudu
Vajuta Windowsi nuppu.
Kirjuta otsinguribale "Company Portal".
Klõpsa rakendusel, et avada.
Company Portali allalaadimine Microsoft Store'ist (kui rakendust pole)
Otsi windowsi otsinguribalt “Microsoft Store“ ja ava see.
Kirjuta Microsoft Store otsinguribale "Company Portal" ja klõpsa sellele.
Klõpsa "Install" ja oota, kuni paigaldus on lõppenud.
Programmide installimine Company Portali kaudu
Ava Company Portal.
Logi sisse UNI-id abil (kui vajalik).
Leia vajalik programm ja klõpsa "Install".
Oota, kuni programm on paigaldatud.
Using the Company Portal
The company portal only works on a centrally managed computer, meaning a computer you log into using a UNI-ID.
Opening the Company Portal via the Windows Search Bar
Press the Windows button.
Type "Company Portal" in the search bar.
Click on the app to open it.
Downloading the Company Portal from Microsoft Store (if not installed)
Search “Microsoft Store“ from the windows search bar
Search for "Company Portal" in the Microsoft Store search bar and click on it.
Click "Install" and wait for the installation to finish.
Installing Applications via the Company Portal
Open the Company Portal.
Sign in with your UNI-id (if required).
Find the needed application and click "Install."
Wait for the application to be installed.