3.4. Archiving of project documents

A project folder must contain all the documents related to the project, incl. participant lists, timesheets, copies of contracts, etc. Electronic documents registered in the document management system and linked to the project contract need not be copied to the project folder.

After settlement of the balance of the financing source and receipt of the last grant payment, the project manager or a person authorised by the project manager shall review the contents of the project folder. An employee of the Research Administration Office then archives the project folder in the document management system. It is crucial that all documents related to the project are in one place and easy to find, as depending on the funding measure, an auditor is entitled to review the documents within 2 or 5 years of receiving the last payment.

If necessary, access to an archived project folder can be granted by an authorised employee of the Research Administration Office. To get access, please contact Riina.Vilgats@taltech.ee or Marika.Lunden@taltech.ee

A project folder shall be preserved for five years from 31 December of the year of the last payment.