6.11. toimus ärikorralduse instituudis doktoriseminar, mille käigus tehti neli doktoritöö ettekannet, mille pealkirjad ja lühikirjeldused on järgmised:
Airi Freimuth: Leveraging Blockchain Technology for Secure Stakeholder Engagement in the Era of Data Breaches: An Interdependence Theory Perspective
Ajastul, mida iseloomustavad üha suurenevad andmekaitserikkumised ja küberohud, on sidusrühmade kaasamise roll organisatsioonide jaoks, kes soovivad kaitsta oma mainet ja usaldusväärsust, keskse tähtsusega. Käesolevas uuringus uuritakse plokiahela tehnoloogia uuenduslikku potentsiaali sidusrühmade kaasamise strateegiate ümberkujundamisel, pakkudes samal ajal täiustatud andmeturbe meetmeid. Sõltuvusteooria objektiivi abil paljastavad sidusrühmade ja organisatsioonide vahelised dünaamikad kriitilised ristumiskohad, kus plokiahela turvaline arhitektuur võib edendada usaldust, läbipaistvust ja koostööd digitaalses maailmas, mida iseloomustab haavatavus.
Hla Thel Phyu: Transparency and Financial Accountability in Special Purpose Vehicles/Entities (SPVs)
Ettekandes käsitletakse praegu koostamisel olevat doktoritööd, mis koosneb kolmest uuringust eriotstarbeliste ettevõtete (SPV) läbipaistvuse ja finantsaruandluse kohta avaliku ja erasektori partnerluse (PPP) või erafinantseerimise algatuste (PFI) kontekstis Ühendkuningriigis.
Basel Hammoda: Please 'bridge' the gap! Emphasizing the interrelatedness of entrepreneurship research and practice
Ettevõtlusuuringud on oma kasvuteel läbi elamas murrangulist faasi, mil nende õiguspärasus ja väärtus pannakse proovile. Kuigi see sai alguse 90ndatel aastatel praktikapõhise valdkonnana, on see viimastel aastatel mitmete tegurite tõttu tegelikust elust üsna kaugenenud. Käesolevas teaduslikus märkuses uuritakse meie valdkonna ees seisvaid raskusi, tuuakse esile selle asjakohasuse parandamisele suunatud jõupingutused ja pakutakse välja lühike manifest selle lõhe ületamiseks.
Samuel Foli: Non-Synchronicity of the Asset Price as a Systemic Risk Indicator, Quantitative Approach
Teadusuuring tegeleb hinna ja selle teabe vahelise seosega, mida see moodustab ja mida see turul kannab. Me jälgime, kas hind esitab alati vara või kauba absoluutset väärtust turul.
On the 6th of November, a doctoral seminar was held in the Department of Business Administration.
During the seminar, four PhD presentations were made, and the titles and short descriptions are as follows:
Airi Freimuth: Leveraging Blockchain Technology for Secure Stakeholder Engagement in the Era of Data Breaches: An Interdependence Theory Perspective
In an era marked by increasing data breaches and cyber threats, the role of stakeholder engagement is pivotal for organizations seeking to safeguard their reputation and credibility. This study explores the innovative potential of blockchain technology in reshaping stakeholder engagement strategies, all while offering enhanced data security measures. Drawing on the lens of interdependence theory, dynamics between stakeholders and organizations reveal the critical intersections where blockchain's secure architecture can foster trust, transparency, and collaboration in a digital world marked by vulnerability.
Hla Thel Phyu: Transparency and Financial Accountability in Special Purpose Vehicles/Entities (SPVs)
The presentation will address the thesis paper, currently a work in progress, consisting of three studies on the transparency and financial accountability of Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) within the context of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) or Private Finance Initiatives (PFI) in the United Kingdom (UK).
Basel Hammoda: Please 'bridge' the gap! Emphasizing the interrelatedness of entrepreneurship research and practice
Entrepreneurship research is going through a transformational phase along its growth trajectory when its legitimacy and value are being put to the test. While it originated as a practice-based field in the 90s, it has grown distant from real life in recent years due to several factors. This research note explores the predicaments facing our field, highlights the efforts aimed at improving its relevance, and proposes a concise manifesto to bridge this gap.
Samuel Foli: Non-Synchronicity of the Asset Price as a Systemic Risk Indicator, Quantitative Approach
Research handles the link between the price and the information it forms, and what it carries in the market. We observe whether the price always presents the absolute value of the asset or commodity in the market.