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Tänases Terevisioonis käsitleti ühe teemana ettevõtete mõju ametnikkonnale ja ametnike tegutsemist ettevõtete huvides. Teema tõukus meedias kajastatavast juhtumist, kus Majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniministeeriumi asekantsleri puhul on tekkinud kahtlus, et ta on lasknud ennast mõjutada oma endisel tööandjal, ettevõttel Bolt.  Teemat arutles instituudi vanemlektor Aive Pevkur.

Intervjuu alates 42. minutist (00:42:30).:

One of the topics on today's Terevisioon was the influence of business on public officials and how officials act in the interests of business. The topic was prompted by a media report about a case in which a deputy secretary-general at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications has been suspected of having allowed themselves to be influenced by their former employer, Bolt. The topic was discussed by Aive Pevkur, senior lecturer at the department.