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Kõvakettal vabaruumi tekitamine on vajalik suuremahuliste uuenduste läbiviimiseks Teie arvutis

Kõvakettal ruumi tekitamiseks on mitmeid mooduseid:

  • C: ketta ruumikasutusest ülevaate saamine - Storage settings ja TreeSize

  • Ajutiste ja mittevajalike failide kustutamine Disk Cleanup ja Clean up system files 

  • Andmete ümberpaigutamine C: kettalt välisele andmekandjale või pilve kettale

Creating free space on the hard drive is necessary for performing large-scale updates on your computer

There are multiple ways to create space on hard drive:

  • Getting an overview of C: disk space usage - Storage settings and TreeSize

  • Deleting temporary and unnecessary files Disk Cleanup and Clean up system files

  • Data relocation from the C: drive to an external storage medium or cloud drive

Storage settings

  • Otsing - Storage settings

  • Avaneb - Storage settings aken mis annab ülevaate Windows (C:) ketta kasutuses ja vabaruumi mahust

    • Võimaldab hinnata erinevate andmemahtude jaotust (näiteks Temporary files)

  • Temporary files - Võimaldab kustutada peale süsteemi ajutiste failide ka Downloads - Recycled Bin kataloogide sisu markeerides need

  • Remove files -  kustutab vastavate kataloogide sisu jäädavalt

  • Downloads - kustutab kogu Teie Downloads kataloogi sisu

  • Recycled Bin - kustutab kogu Teie Recycled Bin kataloogi sisu

Storage settings

  • Search- Storage settings

  • Opening- Storage settings window that gives overview Windows (C:) drive mis annab ülevaate Windows (C:) drive in use and free space

  • Allows to evaluate the distribution of different data volumes (for example, Temporary files)

  • Temporary files - Allows you to delete the contents of the Downloads - Recycled Bin directories in addition to temporary system files by marking them

  • Remove files -  permanently deletes the contents of the corresponding directories

  • Downloads - deletes your whole Downloads folder content

  • Recycled Bin - deletes your whole Recycled Bin folder content


Andmemahtude inventuur programmi installeerimine - Software Center-i abil

Image RemovedImage Added


Installing the data volume inventory program - using the Software Center

Image RemovedImage RemovedImage AddedImage Added

TreeSize kasutamine 

  • NB TreeSize abil saab hinnata kataloogide andmemaht ja lokatsioon kasutades paremat hiire klick-i

Using TreeSize

Image RemovedImage Added

NB! TreeSize can be used to estimate the data volume and location of directories using the right mouse click

Disk Cleanup

  • Käivitage This PC

    • Valige This PC

  • Parema hiire klick-iga Windows ( C: ) - rippmenüüst vali Properties

  • Avaneb Windows ( C: ) Properties pop-up aken

  • Vajutage Disk Cleanup

  • Avaneb Disk Cleanup for Windows ( C: ) pop-up aken ja märkige kustutatavad failid

  • Valige OK

  • Valige Delete Files

Disk Cleanup

  • Run This PC

    • Select This PC

  • Left mouse click Windows ( C: ) - from dropdown select Properties

  • Opens Windows ( C: ) Properties pop-up window

  • Select Disk Cleanup

  • Opens Disk Cleanup for Windows ( C: ) pop-up window and mark the files to delete

  • Select OK

  • Select Delete Files