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Finantsallika avamine:

  1. üksuse juht, kes kinnitab projektijuhi ja projektihalduri, määrab mitteabikõlblike kulude ja omafinantseeringu finantsallika ning üksuse üldkulu määra ja finantsallika;

  2. alamallikate avamisel kaasatud üksuse juht ning seotud töötaja/projektijuht;

  3. rahandusosakonna juht, kes määrab finantsaruannete koostaja

  4. TO juht, kes määrab TO poolse kontaktisiku ja kinnitab finantsallika avamise prorektori volituse alusel

  5. eelarvestamise talitus finantsallika avamiseks

  6. informatsiooniks TO meetmenõustajale, projekti vastutavale täitjale ja projektihaldurile

  7. vajadusel saab lisada inimesi, keda teavitatakse

  8. töövoo algataja täidab ära puuduvad Delta kontaktisikute väljad


Grandifondi projekti finantsallika avamine:

Määrab projekti finantsallika, tähiseks GF/Instituudi tähis/Saaja initsiaalid/kalendriaasta, näitena GFIAMP22.

Algatab projekti finantsallika avamise töövoo järgnevalt:


teadusosakonna juhataja


grandi saaja otsene juht, kui see pole instituudi juht


instituudi juht, kes määrab ka üldkulu finantsallika


finantsjuhi volitatud isik


eelarvestamise talitus finantsallika avamiseks


peale FA avamist saadetakse teavitus informatsiooniks grandi saajale, tema uurimisrühma juhile, teadusprodekaanile, dekaanile


vajadusel saab lisada inimesi, keda teavitatakse


Opening a financing source: 

  1. the head of the unit who approves the project manager and project administrator, determines the financing source of non-eligible expenses and self-financing and the unit’s overhead allocation rate and financing source;

  2. the head of the unit involved in the opening of sub-sources and the related employee/project manager; 

  3. Head of the Finance Office who shall appoint the person who draws up financial statements; 

  4. Head of the Research Administration Office who shall appoint the contact person in the Research Administration Office and approves opening of a financing source based on the authorization granted by the Vice-Rector; 

  5. the Budgeting Division in order to open a financing source; 

  6. the grant advisor of the Research Administration Office, the principal investigator and project manager for information; 

  7. if necessary, people who need to be informed can be added 

  8. the person who starts a workflow shall fill in the missing fields of contact persons in Delta. 


Opening a financing source for a project financed from the grant fund 

Determines the project’s financing source, identifier: GF/letters indicating the department/recipient’s initials/calendar year, e.g. GFIAMP22. 

Starts the workflow for opening a project’s financing source 

  1. Head of the Research Administration Office 

  2. direct superior of the grant recipient unless it is the head of the department 

  3. the head of the department who shall determine the financing source of overhead 

  4. the person appointed by the Chief Financial Officer 

  5. the Budgeting Division in order to open a financing source 

  6. when a financing source has been opened, a notification is sent to the grant recipient, the head of his/her research group, the Vice-Rector for Research and the Dean for information 

  7. if necessary, other people who need to be informed can be added 

  8. the person who starts a workflow shall fill in the missing fields of contact persons in Delta