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Meetme eest vastutav teadusosakonna projektide peaspetsialist (meetmenõustaja) saab teavituse uue kirje loomise kohta, kui sisestaja on selle esmaselt salvestanud.

Peale struktuuriüksuse juhi poolt taotluse kinnitamist saab peaspetsialist teate e-postile ja Teamsi. Ta kontrollib taotluse andmed, sh kas on valitud õige meede/alamprogramm, summad on korrektsed jne.

Andmete vormil kuvamiseks on lihtsaim viis teha kirjel topeltklõps või märkida taotlus Listis ning valida „Edit“:


Vajadusel laseb meetmenõustaja projektihalduril taotlust täiendada. Selleks saadab ta emailiga selgituse koos taotluse lingiga. Lingi saab temale saadetud teavituskirjast. Emaili koostab käsitsi Outlookis.

Kui andmed on korras,  märgib listis taotluse staatuseks Kontrollitud”.

Staatuse muudatuse kohta saab teate teadusosakonna registreerija.The Chief Officer of R&D Projects of the Research Administration Office (grant advisor) receives a notification of a new record once it has been first saved by the person creating the record. 

When the application has been approved by the head of the structural unit, the Chief Officer receives a notification by e-mail and in Teams. The Chief Officer shall check the application data, incl. whether the correct action/sub-program has been selected, whether the amounts are correct, etc. 

The easiest way to display the data on the form is to double-click or click on the application in the Lists and select “Edit”: 


If necessary, the grant advisor requests the project manager to supplement the application. For that the grant advisor sends an explanation by e-mail with a link to the application.  The link can be found in the notification letter sent to the grant advisor. The grant advisor shall create an e-mail manually in Outlook.  

If the data have been provided, the grant advisor shall mark the application status as Verified”

The registrar of the Research Administration Office is notified of the status change.