Employee changes the leave application

Employee changes the leave application

When changing the leave period, please note:

  • application for change of leave can be submitted up to 60 calendar days after its start;

  • when changing a leave that has already started, the start of the leave cannot be changed earlier.

Navigate to the intranet self-service environment to change annual leave

Click "Info and overview"

In the "Leave overview" view, select the leave period you want to change and click "Change"

Enter a new leave period, if you want to add several periods, click "Add leave period"
(the leave period that is being changed and the information of the leave application are displayed on the right of the application)

After entering new leave period(s) click "Change".

Enter the reason for the leave change and click "Change".

The leave change is submitted to the manager for approval.

In the "Leave overview" view  the leave to be changed will appear with the status "Change pending approval"   until the manager approves the leave change.

Changed leave period(s) will appear to the "Leave overview" view after the  Manager has approved the leave change.