PhD Admission Procedure in GLOWBASE

Eesti keeles


I Evaluation and selection of applicants

Person in charge: Supervisor (PI)

  1. When you log in to Glowbase through (hereinafter GB), you will automatically be redirected to the “Dashboard” page, where you can see the timetable of the ongoing admission round and a list of the latest applications submitted.

NB! All GB users can see all applications submitted to the university. To see only the applicants who have applied for your position, select “Applications” from the left.

2. Under “Applications”, first select the current application round, then find your PhD thesis topic in the “Position” drop-down menu (2). The drop-down menu displays the entire list of positions in alphabetical order in a given admission round. NB! Do not select any more filters! A list of applicants to your PhD position will be displayed (3).

3. Open the application – find the “Edit” button with gears (1), choose “View application details” (2).

4. Assess the applicant’s suitability for the position and check that they have submitted all the required documents.

The following documents are mandatory:

    1. Motivation letter
    2. Documents certifying a master’s degree (diploma and academic transcript). In the case of documents of foreign origin, both original language versions as well as official English translations must be submitted.
    3. If the master’s degree was obtained in a foreign country, documents certifying a bachelor’s degree (diploma and academic transcript) must be submitted both in the original language as well as in English (official translations).
    4. CV
    5. Proof of English proficiency at level B2 (foreign applicants)
    6. Copy of passport, ID card or residence permit

5. The supervisor assesses the suitability of the applicants for the position and interviews selected applicants. The supervisor schedules the interview directly with the applicant by e-mail.

The outcome of the assessment may be one of the following:

You can add Notes to the application which can only be seen by the administrators and you. The applicant will not see the notes.

How to set a category for the application:

II Formal compliance check of documents submitted by applicants selected by the Supervisor

Person in charge: Research Administration Office (Admin)

The Research Administration Office checks the compliance of documents submitted by the Supervisor’s 1st choice with the established requirements before the Programme Director makes the admission decision. During the inspection, the Research Administration Office may ask the applicant for correct documents and for the elimination of any shortcomings in the application. When the check is done, the officer assigns the category label "Application checked_Admin" in the "Application category" field, and adds a comment to the application using the "Add note to this application" function: (1) documents have been submitted correctly, no deficiencies; (2) there are deficiencies in the application which, however, do not prevent the making of an admission decision. In case of a positive decision, the applicant must once again be asked for correct documents, etc .; (3) the inspection revealed that the person does not have a master's degree and does not qualify; etc. The documents of applicants who are ranked second and third in the Supervisor’s ranking will be inspected only if the applicant selected first turns down the position offer.

III Approval of candidates

Person in charge: Programme Director

In the "Applications" section, the Programme Director first selects the ongoing application round, then his/her programme in the "Research field", filters the relevant results by choosing applications labelled with "Application checked_Admin" category under the "Category" filter.

Examines the applications of the Supervisor’s selection.

If the candidate is suitable, the Programme Director confirms the admission decision by setting the category label to "VastuVõtta_PrDir" on the application and adds a short comment using the "Add note to this application" function.

IV Enrolment

Person in charge: Research Administration Office

The Research Administration Office admin begins the matriculation procedure of applicants who have received the admission decision, including the final quality control of the educational documents, asking for documents that meet the requirements (if necessary) and organising the evaluation of qualification documents by the Estonian ENIC / NARIC Centre (if necessary).

Enters candidate data into the SAIS Admission Information System.

Draws up the matriculation order in the study information system ÕIS.

V Categories in Glowbase

The table below lists the names of the categories used in Glowbase and describes the content of these categories.

PI_categories – set by the supervisor

Admin categories – set by the Research Administration Office

PrDir category – set by the Programme Director




1st choice

Esimene valik juhendaja pingereas / PI´s first choice

2nd choice


Teine valik juhendaja pingereas / PI´s second choice

3rd choice


Kolmas valik juhendaja pingereas / PI´s third choice



Kandidaat ei kvalifitseeru / The applicant does not qualify

Vastu võtta_PrDir


Programmijuhi kinnitus, lõplik otsus kandidaadi vastu võtmise osas / Confirmation by Programme director, the final decision on accepting the applicant

Application checked_Admin


Dokumendid on kontrollitud, programmijuht võib teha vastuvõtu või tagasilükkamise otsuse / Documents have been checked. Programme Director can now approve or reject the applicant



Valmis SAISi kandmiseks / Ready for SAIS