Adding reservation
Adding reservation
"Add your time" - adding time one by one.
- To book only one appointment, click on the "Add your time" link.
- A form will open for filling.
- In the gray area in the form, there is a search for free spaces. You have to enter the date and time when you want to book the room.
- Room reservation date: can be entered manually by observing the DD.MM.YYYY (or DD.MM.YY) format or by selecting the required date from the calendar that appears when clicking on the event date cell or the calendar icon. It must be observed that the date must be later than today's date.
- Time of day. Startind and Ending: enter or select from the pop-up menu. The time must be entered in the format DD:MM.
- If you enter the correct data, a green "Use" button will appear.
- When you press the "Use" button, the time will be added to the search. They can be changed or deleted (1).
- Then, when the times have been added, a green "Search" button (2) has appeared under the form.
- To narrow the search, you can fill in the existing fields on the form. They are not mandatory.
- Enter if necessary:
- Room number: according to the selected building. Then the search is performed according to the given room.
- Building: the building where you want to reserve a room is selected.
- Floor: according to the selected building, the quantities of the floor where there may be free rooms for booking are offered.
- Number of seats: the minimum and maximum number of seats is entered. The search is narrowed down according to the entered numbers.
- Number of workstations with computer: some rooms have computer stations. The number of computer jobs entered affects the search result.
- Public: it is selected whether the space is public or not. Access to non-public rooms may not be granted to teaching staff.
- Is the room available: the option to display the room that is closed at that time is selected. This is allowed so that, if necessary, another lecturer can be asked to use the room.
- Select equipment: Click on the link "Select equipment". The necessary equipment is selected from the provided list (1) in the room that is being searched for booking.
- When all the necessary data have been entered, press the green button (2) "Search".
- The system displays the result.
- The table of results shows:
- Vacant: Which room is available, which is not, and clicking on the "More details" link will open a window with exact information about the reservation.
- Room numbers according to the selected floor.
- Room types that are also related to computer workstations and equipment.
- Building name.
- Room floor.
- Numbers of seats and number of workstations with computer. If the cells for the number of computer workplaces are empty in the table, there may not be computers in the given room.
- To make a reservation, click on the "Apply" link.
- Regardless of whether the space is free or not, it is possible to apply in both cases.
- In the open view, fill out the form.
- Dates: times can be changed, deleted and added. By default, a pre-selected day is added.
- Reservation type: is chosen according to the need to book a room.
- Reservation comment: added if necessary. This comment is read by the main user of the room reservation system.
- Whom: if necessary, enter the people for whom the room will be reserved. By clicking on the "Add a new" link, you can search for the required person and add them to the reservation.
- When all data is entered, press the green "Apply" button.
- To perform a new search, press the red "New search" button, you will be directed to the previous page where the search was performed.
- The reservation request is confirmed or rejected by the main user of the room reservation system.
- The decision with the answer will be sent to the ÕIS system and to the mailbox.
"Generate times" - generating multiple times at once.
- To generate several times at once, click the "Generate times" link. A gray additional form opens.
- In the gray area in the form, there is a search for free spaces. It is necessary to enter data to narrow the search:
- Semester: the current semester is offered by default. At the end of the current semester and at the end of the creation of the lesson plan, the next semester will also appear on the list, which can be selected.
- Time of day. Starting and Ending: enter or select the desired time from the pop-up menu. The time must be entered in the format DD:MM.
- Weekday: the required day of the week is selected from the pop-up menu.
- Week type: the frequency of use of the room per week is selected (1). If necessary, it is narrowed by choosing either odd weeks or even weeks (2).
- Week duration: the options offered in the pop-up menu are selected, which weeks the room could be booked.
- When choosing times and weeks, the system offers weeks. Among them, you can exclude those weeks that are not suitable (1):
- If you enter the correct data, a green "Use" button will appear.
- To search for times, press the green button (2) "Use".
As a result, the generated times are added to the list, and you can fill in information about the rooms in the white area of the form. Adding data about rooms is described above.
, multiple selections available,
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