AWS Amazon Web Services

AWS Amazon Web Services

Tehnikaülikool on sõlminud lepingu Amazon Web Services (AWS) kasutamiseks ülikoolis. Leping on sõlmitud OCRE (Open Cloud for Research Enviroment) projekti  raames. Teenusepakkujaks ülikoolile on Rackspace technology.   

Teenuse tellimine käib läbi siseveebi iseteeninduse tellimisvormi,

Vastavalt tellimusele luuakse konto. Kontodele pääseb ligi kasutades ülikooli UNI-ID. Juhul kui konto on tellitud õppeainele tekitatakse ligipääs automaatselt antud õppeainesse registreerinud tudengitele

Teenuse eest tasumine toimub arve alusel, mis laekub raamatupidamisse. Iga allüksus tasub oma kulud ise.

Kontole tuleb määrata rahaline limiit, mille täitumisel teavitatakse peakasutajat. Teenused töötavad edasi. Selle eesmärk on vältida ootamatuid ülekulusid.

Teatud juhtudel on võimalik ka üle tuua ülikooli lepingu alla juba olemasolevaid AWS-i kontosid.

Kui tellimus on täidetud saab AWS-i kontole ligi aadresil https://taltech.awsapps.com/start

TalTech has signed an agreement to use Amazon Web Services (AWS) at the university. The contract has been concluded within the framework of the OCRE (Open Cloud for Research Environment) project. The service provider for the university is Rackspace technology.

The service is ordered through the self-service order form on the intranet,
An account will be created according to the order. Accounts can be accessed using the university's UNI-ID. If the account is ordered for a subject, access is automatically created for students who have registered for the given subject.

Payment for the service is made on the basis of an invoice that is received in the accounting department. Each subdivision pays its own expenses.

A financial limit must be set for the account, and the main user will be notified when it is reached. Services will continue to operate. This is to avoid unexpected cost overruns.

In certain cases, it is also possible to transfer existing AWS accounts under the university contract.

Once the order is completed, you can access your AWS account at https://taltech.awsapps.com/start

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