Echo360 lecture recording

Echo360 lecture recording


Echo360 is a lecture recording platform that is capable of recording two channels and a teacher's voice at the same time.

Echo360 lecture recording options:

  • In Echo360 classrooms by using the automatic lecture recording service

  • Record lectures with your own devices (PC, camera, microphone) by using Echo360 Universal Capture Personal Software

  • Upload videos and lecture recordings created by other means

Lecture recordings created with Echo360 can be shared with students via a link or by using the External tool in Moodle. Recordings are processed in the cloud service. It is also possible to do a live broadcast of the lecture, during which students can post questions and comments.


Automatic lecture recording in classrooms

The Echo360 lecture recording system is integrated with the Echo360 classroom video and audio system. It can be used to capture a PC screen, a stationary camera image, and the teacher's voice. The on-site room control panel allows you also to share a document camera image.

If you wish to have your lectures recorded automatically, please notify the lesson schedule compilers (tunniplaan@taltech.ee) that you wish to have your lessons in the Echo360 classroom. You can find the list of Echo360 classrooms here.

Echo360 Universal Capture Personal

Echo360 personal mode allows you to both record and live stream lessons by using your personal computer. Download Universal Capture Personal from the software center or log in to echo360.org.uk. If you have previously recorded in the classroom with the Echo360 system, you have been sent an email to create a user. If you do not have an Echo360 user, please contact Liina Laumets (liina.laumets@taltech.ee, 620 3679). Please send us your course information (course code and title) so we could create a corresponding section, where you can add recordings. A video tutorial can be found here



I want to use Echo360 for the first time. How should I start?

Please let us know of your recording wish at loengusalvestused@taltech.ee.

Before using an Echo360 classroom, please watch the video tutorial

Does Echo360 allow students to ask questions during the live lecture?

Yes, if the live lecture is made available with the Moodle External tool, students will have the opportunity to post questions and comments in the lecture conversation.

Is it possible to start recording the lecture on the spot (in the classroom)?

You can start recording on-site by pressing the record button on the touch screen of the lecture recorder. To associate the recording with your user and to receive a link, please write to loengusalvestused@taltech.ee. Indicate the time and place of the recording and to which course you want this recording to be added.

Is it possible to start the lecture live on the spot?

To start a live lecture in an Echo360 classroom, you should first log in at https://echo360.org.uk and select New Device Capture under Create. Select Where? to select the room you want to record from and specify the recording duration. Specify which subject the recording should be added to by selecting the course from the list. Indicate that you want a Live stream. The recording starts automatically.

Can I also record with Echo360 at home?

Yes, it is possible to use the Echo360 Universal Capture Personal software. Check out the video tutorial

How to share the recording with students?

Use either public link sharing or the External tool in Moodle (text tutorial) to share it with students. 

How can I change the camera position?

You can check the position of the camera by displaying the camera image from the control panel to the projector using the CAM button. The image will be displayed on the screen. Hold down the CAM button to move the camera to the next pre-saved position. Watch the video tutorial here.

How can I book Echo360 classrooms for my lessons?

When lesson plans are being created, you should indicate your wish in the lesson plan submission that you want your lessons in the Echo360 classroom. The list of auditoriums equipped with the Echo360 lecture recording system is given here.

Where can I get a lecture recording link to share the recordings with students?

Log in to https://echo360.org.uk to access your recording links. Click Settings→ Access Links to open the list of recordings of your course. Click Add link to create a link for the recording. If you wish to have a public link, please select Public

You can also ask for a link by contacting loengusalvestused@taltech.ee.

Why do I only see one channel when watching on a smart device?

When broadcasting lectures live, it is possible to watch only one channel to reduce the amount of data transmitted. It is recommended to watch live lectures and recordings from a desktop or laptop computer.

Why doesn't the lecture link open?

When sharing lectures with students via a public link (URL) created for you, make sure that the same URL is used. The original URL ends with the word public. Opening the URL in a web browser will change the URL and will either return an error message or require you to log in to the Echo360.org.uk platform.

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