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TalTech representatives participated in a seminar on circular economy and sustainable development in Kazakhstan




26. juunil osalesid TalTechi esindajad Kasahstanis S. Seifullini nimelises Kasahstani Agronoomiaülikoolis toimunud 7. seminaril "Ringmajandus ja jätkusuutlik areng", mis oli osa rahvusvahelisest haridusprojektist EU ERASMUS+618715-EPP-1-2020-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP "Ringmajanduse arendamine partnermaades läbi jäätmekäitluse magistriprogrammi arendamise ja rakendamise" (UnWaste).

Seminaril osalesid ülikoolide esindajad: professor Gunnar Prause Wismari Rakenduskõrgkoolist (projekti juhtpartner); Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli projektitiim; Sh. Ualikhanovi nimelise Kokshetau Ülikooli projektitiim ning S. Seifullini nimelise Kasahstani Agronoomiaülikooli projektitiim, administratsiooni, teaduskonna ja tudengite esindajad. TalTechi esindajatest olid kohal Tarmo Tuisk, prof Wolfgang Gerstlberger, prof Gunnar Prause, Tarvo Niine, Tarlan Ahmadov, Kristine Asu, Jaana Merisaar, Jelena Hartšenko, Marianne Kallaste, nooremprof Merle Küttim, Tairi Tuulik ja Margit Kull.

Seminari avasid tervituskõnedega komisjoni sekretär Jazira Meirkhanovna Zhazykbayeva; teaduskonna dekaan Bozhanbay Zhumagul Tangatkanuly; professor ja projekti koordinaator Gunnar Prause; projekti koordinaator Tarmo Tuisk; professor Wolfgang Gerstlberger ja kohaliku projekti koordinaator Gulmira Kalmashevna Satybaldieva.

Seminari jooksul esinesid ettekannetega majandusteaduskonna õppeprodekaan D.A. Aitmukhanbetova teemal "Biogaas Kasahstanis. Meie roheline unistus," magistriprogrammi "Jäätmekäitlus" vilistlane K. Baigan teemal "Jäätmepaberi ringlussevõtu aktuaalsus Kasahstanis" ning ökoloogia osakonna teise kursuse tudengid V. Lavrinovich ja A. Akhmetova teemal "Jäätmed Kasahstanis."

Külastuse käigus tehti ekskursioone KATU teadus- ja õppekeskustes. Osalejatele tutvustati põllumajandusbiotehnoloogia teadus- ja tootmisplatvormi, agroökoloogilist katsekeskust (laborit), bioloogiliste eksponaatide kollektsiooni ja mullamuuseumi. Saadi ülevaade ülikooli kaasaegsetest teadussuundadest, töötajate saavutustest ning praegustest uuringutest põllumajanduse, bioloogia, agrokeemia ja ökoloogia valdkonnas.

On June 26, TalTech representatives attended the 7th seminar "Circular Economy and Sustainable Development" at S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University in Kazakhstan, as part of the international educational project EU ERASMUS+618715-EPP-1-2020-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP "Development of a Circular Economy in Partner Countries through the Development and Implementation of a Master's Program in Waste Management" (UnWaste).

Representatives of universities participated in the seminar: Professor Gunnar Prause from Wismar University of Applied Sciences (project grant holder); the project team from Tallinn University of Technology; the project team from Sh. Ualikhanov Kokshetau University; and the project team, representatives of the administration, faculty, and students from S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University. TalTech representatives present were Tarmo Tuisk, Prof. Wolfgang Gerstlberger, Prof. Gunnar Prause, Tarvo Niine, Tarlan Ahmadov, Kristine Asu, Jaana Merisaar, Jelena Hartšenko, Marianne Kallaste, Assistant Prof. Merle Küttim, Tairi Tuulik and Margit Kull.

The seminar was opened with welcoming speeches by Jazira Meirkhanovna Zhazykbayeva, Head of the Administration; Bozhanbay Zhumagul Tangatkanuly, Dean of the Faculty of "LH, DP and OS"; Professor and Project Coordinator Gunnar Prause; Project Coordinator Tarmo Tuisk; Professor Wolfgang Gerstlberger; and Local Project Coordinator Gulmira Kalmashevna Satybaldieva.

During the seminar, presentations were made by D.A. Aitmukhanbetova, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Economics, on the topic “Biogas in Kazakhstan. Our green dream,” K. Baigan, a graduate of the Master's program "Waste Management," on the topic “The relevance of the issue of waste paper recycling in Kazakhstan,” and second-year students of the Department of Ecology, V. Lavrinovich and A. Akhmetova, on the topic “Waste in Kazakhstan.”

The visit also included tours of KATU’s scientific and educational centers. Participants were given a tour at the scientific and production platform of agricultural biotechnology, the agro-ecological testing center (laboratory), the collection of biological exhibits, and the soil museum. The group became acquainted with the university's modern scientific directions, staff achievements, and current research in agriculture, biology, agrochemistry, and ecology.

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