VOK is meant for all low-value procurements with an estimated value less than 30 000 euros. A low-value procurement can be carried out if TalTech has no framework agreement for the product/service. The aim of the environment is to simplify purchasing supplies and services which are bought without conducting a public procurement, either with three tenders/offers or based on a market study. All employees can send an invition to submit a tender to partners of their choice through VOK and the partner can submit a tender through the same environment. As all procurement-related data and documents are preserved in the environment, it is not necessary to preserve them anywhere else, you can just refer to the purchase made in VOK.
Minu väikeostud – My low-value procurements
The page ‘Minu väikeostud’ opens by default. The low-value procurements where you have been appointed the person responsible or a manager are on the page „Minu väikeostud“.
Kõik väikeostud – All low-value procurements
All low-value procurements are shown on the page ‘Kõik väikeostud’. If you leave a form, for example, delete a low-value procurement or quit changing conditions, you will reach this page.
Partnerid – Partners
All economic operators (companies) that have been added to VOK are listed on the page ‘Partnerid’.
The page Juhised (guidelines) takes you to the main page of the Public Procurements on the intranet.
‘Juhised’ will take you to the Estonian page, you can go to the English page from here:
The low-value procurements have the following statuses:
Ettevalmistamisel (In preparation) – low-value procurements which are in the process of being created and have not been sent out to the tenderers yet.
Pakkumuste ootel (Pending tenders) – low-value procurements for which the invitation to submit a tender has been sent out to the tenderers and the time limit for submission of tenders has not expired.
Hindamisel (In evaluation) – low-value procurements for which the time limit for submission of tenders has expired and the tenders are being evaluated.
Leping sõlmimisel (Pending a contract) – low-value procurements for which the winner has been selected, but the contract is to be awarded (if the sum is 10 000 euros or more) and/or the data of the contract are to be inserted.
Leping täitmisel (Contract performance) – low-value procurements for which the contract has been awarded but it is not completed yet, e.g., we are waiting for the delivery of the supply or the provision of the service.
Lõpetatud (Completed) – low-value procurements for which the contract has been completed (e.g., the supply has been delivered and received) or ended by a mutual agreement.
Tühistatud (Cancelled) – low-value procurements which we have cancelled before awarding a contract or which have been cancelled automatically due to no tenders submitted. The low-value procurements where all submitted tenders were unsuitable also have this status.
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