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NR – number, No. Leia NR järgi – Find by number Nimetus – Name Leia konkurss – Find a competition Hanke alguse kuupäev – The start date of the procurement Algus – Since Lõpp – Until Pakkumuste esitamise tähtaeg – Time limit for the submission of tenders Pakkumuste jõusoleku aeg – The period of validity of the tenders Maksumus KMta – Value without VAT Vastutav üksus – Responsible unit Vastutav töötaja – Responsible employee Leia isiku nime järgi – Find by the person’s name Lepingu tähtaeg – The term of performance of the contract Lepingu maksumus – Value of the contract Leia lepingu maksumuse järgi – Find by the value of contract Staatus – Status Leia staatuse järgi – Find by the status Staatuse põhjendus – The explanation of the status Selgitus – Explanation Leia selgitus – Find an explanation CPV kood – CPV code Muutmise kuupäev – Date modified Looja – Initiator Pakkumuskutse saajate arv – The number of receivers of the invitation to tender Esitatud pakkumuste arv – The number of tenders submitted |
Low-value procurements can be filtered and sortered by the following characteristics:
NR (an automatically created code for a low-value procurement when the invite to submit a tender is being sent out, which consists of the letter V and the number of the low-value procurement)
Nimetus (the name/title given when creating a low-value procurement)
Hanke alguse kuupäev (the date when the invitation for submission of tenders was sent)
Pakkumuste esitamise tähtaeg (the deadline set when creating a low-value procurement after which no tenders can be submitted and since when it is possible to evaluate tenders)
Pakkumuste jõusoleku aeg (the time set when creating a low-value procurement for how long the submitted tenders must be valid, during this time the contract must be signed)
Maksumus KMta (the estimated cost of the supply/service inserted when creating a low-value procurement)
Vastutav üksus (the unit that has been appointed responsible for a low-value procurement)
Vastutav töötaja (the employee who has been appointed responsible for a low-value procurement)
Lepingu tähtaeg (during this time the supply has to be handed over or the service provided; might be different from the estimated term of performance)
Lepingu maksumus (usually the cost of the winning tender; might be different from the estimated value)
Staatus (the current state of the low-value procurement):
Ettevalmistamisel – In preparation
Pakkumuste ootel – Pending tenders
Tühistatud – Cancelled
Hindamisel – In evaluation
Leping sõlmimisel – Pending a contract
Leping täitmisel – Contract performance
Lõpetatud – Completed
Staatuse põhjendus (specifies the grounds of the status, appears for cancelled and completed low-value procurements):
Hankija loobus – The contracting authority withdraws
Ühtegi pakkumust ei esitatud – No tenders were submitted
Mittevastavad pakkumused – Unsuitable tenders
Võitjaga ei jõudnud kokkuleppele – No agreement could be made with the winner
Leping täidetud – Contract completed
Kokkulepe – Mutual agreement
Leppetrahv – Contractual penalty
Selgitus (the explanation added by the person who conducted the low-value procurement, e.g., regarding why the low-value procurement was cancelled or why all tenders were declared unsuitable)
CPV kood (the category of the supply/service assigned to a low-value procurement when creating it)
Info |
You can check whether the threshold of the desired product/service category is almost reached and you should instead carry out a public procurement by the CPV code. NB! Make sure that you are on the page ‘Kõik väikeostud’ to do so, otherwise you will see only the low-value procurements connected to you. |
Muutmise kuupäev (the date when a low-value procurement was last changed)
Looja (the employee who created the low-value procurement; might be different from the responsible employee)
Pakkumuskutse saajate arv
Esitatud pakkumuste arv
The estimated term of performance (täitmise eeldatav tähtaeg; i.e., the estimation inserted when the low-value procurement was created concerning when the supply should be delivered or the service provided) is also displayed in the table. It is not possible to sort or filter based on this characteristic.