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  • Seoses üritusega 16. oktoobril Mektory majas, on MEK-ICO Raja tänava parkla suletud.

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  • Seoses elektriautode laadimisjaama rajamisega õppehoone U02 parklasse suletakse 25. septembrist kuni 18. oktoobrini kümme parkimiskohta.Töid teostab Electric Terminal OÜ.Vabandame võimalike ebamugavuste pärast ja loodame teie mõistvale suhtumisele.

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  • Due to an event on October 16th at the Mektory building, the MEK-ICO parking lot on Raja Street is closed.

Due to the construction of an electric vehicle charging station in the U02 building parking lot, ten parking spaces will be closed from September 25 to October 8. The work will be carried out by Electric Terminal OÜ. We apologize for any inconvenience and hope for your und erstanding

Teavitame, et autode parkimisel ei kehti hetkel piiranguid. Kõik parklad on avatud ja saadaval tavapärases korras. Palume siiski järgida üldisi liiklus- ja parkimisreegleid.

We would like to inform you that there are currently no parking restrictions. All parking lots are open and available as usual. However, we kindly ask you to follow general traffic and parking regulations.