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Intelligentse otsingu leiad aadressilt:

You can find the intelligent search on this URL:

Intelligentne otsingu allikad

Itelligent search sources


  • OpenAI GPT-3.5 Turbo on nagu nutikas tööriist, mis aitab sul leida erinevaid vastuseid oma küsimustele.

    • Mudel on võrdlemisi kiire, kuid annab natukene lihtsaid või mitte liiga sisukaid vastuseid.

  • OpenAI GPT-3.5 Turbo 16k on sarnane eelmisele, kuid suudab mõista rohkem infot korraga.

    • Mudel on võrdlemisi kiire, kuid annab natukene lihtsaid või mitte liiga sisukaid vastuseid.

  • OpenAI GPT-4 on veelgi nutikam ja teadlikum. See suudab mõista keerulisemaid probleeme ja teemasid. See on tööriist, mis on väga teadlik paljudest erinevatest teemadest.

    • Mudel annab häid ja sisukaid vastuseid, kuid vastuste genereerimine mudeli poolt hetkel võtab aega ning kasutajana tuleb olla kannatlik.

  • OpenAI GPT-4 Turbo on kõige uuem ja võimekam mudel. See suudab mõista ja meeles pidada veelgi rohkem infot. See on tööriist, mis on väga teadlik ja on samal ajal ka säästlik ning kuluefektiinve.

    • The model gives good and meaningful answers, but the generation of answers by the model takes time at the moment, and as a user you have to be patient.

  • Text-embedding-ada-002 - osingu (sh rühmitamise, soovituste, anomaaliate tuvastamise ja klassifitseerimise ülesande) jaoks kasutatakse “embeddings” mudelit, mis viib ülikooli põhiste allikate teksti numbrilisele kujule ning mis võimaldab mõõta ja siduda tektiosade vahelisi seoseid.

Täpsemalt mudelite kohta saab vaadata siit:


  • OpenAI GPT-3.5 Turbo is like a smart tool that helps you find different answers to your questions.

    • The model is relatively fast, but gives somewhat simple or not very meaningful answers.

  • OpenAI GPT-3.5 Turbo 16k is similar to the previous one, but can understand more information at once.

    • The model is relatively fast, but gives somewhat simple or not very meaningful answers.

  • OpenAI GPT-4 is even smarter and more aware. It can understand more complex problems and topics. It is a tool that is very knowledgeable about many different topics.

    • The model gives good and meaningful answers, but the generation of answers by the model takes time at the moment, and as a user you have to be patient.

  • OpenAI GPT-4 Turbo is the newest and most capable model. It can understand and remember even more information. It is a tool that is very knowledgeable and at the same time economical and cost effective.

    • The model gives good and meaningful answers, but the generation of answers by the model takes time at the moment, and as a user you have to be patient.

  • Text-embedding-ada-002 - embeddings model is used for the search (including clustering, recommendation, anomaly detection and classification tasks), which brings the text of university-based sources into a numerical form and which allows to measure and relatedness the relationships between text parts.

More details about the models can be found here:

Piiranugd ja edasised arendused


  • Puudub vestluse (chat) funktsionaalsus, tehisaru ei jäta meelde su eelnevat küsimsut ja ei oska selle pealt edasisi täpsutusi teha. Tulevikus soovime selle lisada.

  • Tulevikus soovime uuendada “embeddings” mudelit text-embedding-ada-002 uuemate ja võimekate vastu. See võimaldaks leida algselt küsija küsimuse peale meie algallikate seast veelgi täpsemad ja paremad vastused.

Plaanis tulevikus lisada juurde algallikatena:

Limitations and backlog of developments


  • There is no chat functionality, the artificial intelligence does not remember your previous question and cannot make further clarifications based on it. We would like to add it in the future.

  • In the future, we would like to upgrade the current embeddings model text-embedding-ada-002 to newer and more capable one. This would make it possible to find even more accurate and better answers to the question of the original asker from among our original sources.

We plan to add more as original sources in the future: