Versions Compared


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On this page you will find all economic operators (companies) that have been added to VOK.



Please note that the most reliable method to differentiate between partners is the registry code, for example, two or more companies may have a similar name, but be completely different companies. Sometimes a person or a group of persons can have multiple different legal persons which might have a similar name and the same contact person/people (s) but still be different companies (registry code is different). It is also not possible to create multiple partners with the same registry code, you can check it under the filter ‘Reg. nr.’ (leia registrinumbri järgi - find by registry code) before creating a new partner:



This will open a dialogue box for creating a new partner, where you have to insert data into all text boxes with a red asterisk (*).


Please note that you have to add at least one contact person to a partner.
