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On this page you will find all economic operators (companies) that have been added to VOK.


This will open a dialogue box for creating a new partner, where you have to insert data into all text boxes with a red asterisk (*).


Please note that you have to add at least one contact person to a partner.


titleTranslation of the boxes/fields:

Uus partner – New partner

Ettevõtte nimi – Name of the economic operator

Registrinumber – Registry code

Riik – Country

Täpsustav info – Additional information

Kontaktid – Contacts

Isiku nimi – Name of the contact person

Email – Email address

Telefon – Phone number

Aktiivne – Active

pilt-20250130-092234.png Kui soovid kontakti deaktiveerida, siis kontakt jääb süsteemi alles ja saad selle vajadusel taas aktiveerida. Kui kontakt on seotud ettevalmistamisel oleva väikeostuga, kustutatakse kontakt väikeostu vormilt. Kui kontakt on seotud mõnes muus staatuses oleva väikeostuga, jääb kontakt väikeostu vormil alles. – If you wish to deactivate a contact person, the contact will stay in the system and you can reactivate if necessary. If the contact person is involved with a low-value procurement in preparation (status ‘Ettevalmistamisel’), the contact will be deleted from the form of the low-value procurement. If the contact person is involved with a low-value procurement of any other status, the contact will remain on the form of the low-value procurement.


If the contact person is already involved with in a low-value procurement, you can no longer deactivate them yourself, please contact the Procurement Division. See also below.

Lisa kontakt – Add a contact person
