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Kui sobiv firma on olemas, aga loetelust ei tule välja õiget kontakti, siis tuleb muuta pakkujat: Avaneb aken, kus esmalt on olemasoleva(te) kontakti(de) andmed, keri allapoole kuni jõuad nupuni „Lisa uus kontakt“: Seejärel laetakse vorm, kuhu saad lisada uue kontakti andmed, uue kontakti salvestamiseks vajuta nupule „Muuda partnerit“: |
Employees ('Töötajad')
Here you can assign the employee responsible for the low-value procurement, the unit responsible and managers.
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NB! The responsible employee cannot be from the Procurement Division! It is not necessary to add the employees of the Procurement Division as managers, as the Procurement Division can already see all of the low-value procurement. |
Overview ('Ülevaade')
The last page to open is ‘Ülevaade’ (overview) where you can see all of the details of the low-value procurement. Please
Viimasel lehel avaneb „Ülevaade“, kus on näha kõik väikeostu andmed. Palun kontrolli siin hoolikalt üle, kas kirja said korrektsed andmed. Vajadusel saab minna tagasi ja teha parandusi.
Kui kõik andmed on sisestatud ja õiged, siis vajuta „Saada“:
Avaneb dialoogiaken, kus küsitakse üle, kas oled kindel, et soovid kutse välja saata. Kui oled oma soovis kindel, vajuta „Saada“. Kui sa siiski ei soovi kutset veel välja saata, vali „Loobu“.
Pane tähele, et kui soovid pakkumuse esitamise kutse saata vähem kui kolmele pakkujale, on dialoogiaknas selle kohta hoiatus ning pead lisama põhjenduse (50–255 tähemärki):
Kui oled vajutanud dialoogiaknas nuppu „Saada“, saadetakse kõigile väikeostu juurde lisatud ettevõtetele kutse pakkumuse esitamiseks.
Partner saab sellise sisuga e-kirja:
Eriti juhul kui tegemist on uue partneriga, tasub anda pakkujale teada, et kutse on teele läinud ja paluda vajadusel kontrollida rämpsposti kaustast. Muidu võib juhtuda, et väikeost luhtub, kuna e-posti teenusepakkuja on meie automaatkirja pidanud spämmiks ja partner pole kutset kätte saanud.
Kui pakkumuskutse on saadetud, on väikeostu staatus „Pakkumuste ootel“.be careful to double-check here that all details are correct. If necessary, you can go back and make corrections.
If you have entered all details and you are sure of their correctness, click on Saada (send):
This will open a dialogue box where you will be asked whether you are sure that you wish to send the invitation. If you are certain, click on Saada. If you, however, do not wish to send the invite to the tenderers yet, choose Loobu.
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Please note that if you wish to send the invitation to submit a tender to less than three tenderers, the dialogue box will contain a warning about it and you must add a justification of 50–255 characters. |
If you have clicked on the button Saada in the dialogue box, all of the tenderers who were added to the low-value procurement will receive an invitation to submit a tender.
Partner will receive the following email:
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Dear tenderer, TalTech invites you to submit a tender for a low-value purchase number of the low-value procurement beginning with the letter V ‘name of the low-value procurement’. See the requirements and submit a tender here: Väikeostude keskkond (the link to the environment) The time limit (deadline) for the submission of tenders is: dd.mm.yyyy HH:MM Tenders received after the time limit for submission has expired are not considered. If no tender has been received by the deadline, the contracting authority shall consider it a waiver of participation. If you have any questions, please ask them in the environment. The link to the low-value procurement environment in the email is meant specifically for your company, please do not share it. This email has been sent automatically. Please do not reply to it. |
Especially when dealing with a new partner, it would be wise to let the tenderer know that the invitation has been sent and to ask them to check the spam folder if necessary. Otherwise it might happen that the low-value procurement is unsuccessful because the email provider has considered our automatic email to be spam and the partner has not received the invitation.
If the invitation to submit a tender has been sent, the status of the low-value procurement will be ‘Pakkumuste ootel’ (Pending tenders).
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